The Hyenas face "The Massacre of Ponticelli": what happened, the facts

julius goliath of hyenas

A very important episode of Le Iene today 14 March 2023, the problem raised by the recent investigation into the "Ponticelli massacre” in which, Julius Goliath, an investigation is underway on the possible wrong sentence to life imprisonment of three innocents.

Meloni's interview on the wrongful conviction

La Presidente del Consiglio Giorgia Meloni she was interviewed by Giulio Golia and the interview will be broadcast during the episode on the story of the "Ponticelli massacre".

The interview will be a sequel to the episode of 12 March of "Reservoir Dogs: Inside", which was dedicated to the investigation by Giulio Golia and Francesca Di Stefano entitled "Monsters or Innocents?“, which examined in detail the events related to the affair.

If you lost your bet, it is possible see it again online on Mediaset Infinity on the dedicated page.
During the March 14 episode, some excerpts from the interview with Premier Meloni will be shown, while the full interview will be broadcast later.

What happened during the "Ponticelli Massacre": the facts, the evidence and the investigation

Forty years ago, Naples and the whole of Italy were shaken from the brutality of the crime of Barbara Sellini and Nunzia Munizzi, two girls aged 7 and 10 who they were raped, tortured, killed and burned.

After two months of investigation and three years of trials, Ciro Imperante, Giuseppe La Rocca and Luigi Schiavo they were sentenced to life imprisonment. However, the three, who had just come of age at the time of the crime, they have always proclaimed their innocence.

After serving their sentence, they continue to claim that they have been wrongly accused and to be the victim of a mistrial.
The Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission has recently raised doubts on the investigations that led to the conviction of the three, suspecting the influence of organized crime in each other and evaluating a possible process review of condemnation.

Where to see the episode of Le Iene on March 14th

The episode will air at 21:20 on Italy 1 and it will be broadcast too live streaming on the Mediaset Infinity channel page, while, at the end, it will be available on-demand on the broadcast page on Mediaset Infinity.

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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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