Made in the South: presentation of the new episodes in the early evening

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the cast of Made in Sud at the Rai press conference

At the Rai Press Conference were presented the news and surprises of the upcoming episodes in the early evening of Made in South that will see new artists and new characters

This morning a press conference was held at the RAI premises in Via Marconi in Naples new season of Made in South, which will be broadcast in prime time on Rai 2 starting Monday 11 November 2013 at 21.10.

Almost all the cast of comedians were present at the event, naturally with the 4 points of the broadcast: the presenters Gigi and Ross, Fatima Trotta ed Elisabetta Gregoraci, with their sympathy and joy. With them, also the authors of the transmission Paolo Mariconda and Nando Mormone and the director Francesco Pinto.
The latter began his speech with a meaningful description of what Made in Sud cabaret is for him: "We laugh and smile".

The 4 presenters of Made in South at the Rai press conference

In fact, the 6 episodes that will be aired in the coming weeks will not only bring laughter and light-heartedness into the homes of Italians, but will also help children in difficulty thanks to the auction that Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe has organized every Christmas since 2006. The collection of the episodes will go to charity to the foundation "In the name of life onlus".

During the presentation, emphasis was placed on the ever-increasing importance that the program is assuming for the Rai programming and on the news which will be there starting Monday. First of all, it was pointed out that, after a long "apprenticeship" made up of second evenings and after a short experiment in prime time, Made in Sud finally earned an almost permanent place in the first Rai evenings. Proof of the fact that there is a new relationship between the city and Rai and vice versa.

In fact, Fabio Di Iorio, the new head of the Rai structure, has shown his satisfaction in having focused on a team that has proven to be successful, a comic group now considered at the forefront in Italy and a pride for both Naples and Rai2. Another of the merits of made in the South is that of having reported, after so many years, live cabaret and, this, was a further successful experiment.

Among the novelties that were presented in the morning, there is the great surprise of the first episode: the presence of Enrico Brigano on stage with the other artists. Furthermore, it is certainly worth underlining theenlargement of the team of comedians. There will be new entries to complement the cast, such as Valeria Graci of the comic duo Katia and Valeria. From the first previews, we can confirm the fact that she will play the current idol of all children: Peppa Pig.

Furthermore, within this close-knit group, but ready to welcome additions, we will also find non-Neapolitan comedians. In fact, there will be an artist from Lucania, one from Calabria, one from Puglia and, among the most "striking" novelties, a Turin duo. As pointed out by the two authors Mariconda and Mormone, there is an important reversal of the trend taking place in recent years: the migration of comedians, which generally goes from the south to the north of Italy, has changed direction also thanks to Made in the South.

This was made possible by the new generation of comedians we have in Italy and in the South in particular. It is 20-30enni with a new comic rhythm that is aimed at a generation of audiences that, in turn, is new.

Other novelties of the program concern mostly the characters played: we will see a Tiziano Ferro most voted at Satanism, the hyenas with an even more satirical aspect and a Max Gazzè different from the usual.
Finally, the time will be longer because, with new entries and many new features, the bets will last longer.

The conference ended with the hope of organizing presentation meetings in Rome and Milan shortly because if it is true that the comedy of Made in Sud is "Neapolitan", the aim is to make everyone laugh and remember, how concluded by the director Di Ioro who, "A laugh is more revolutionary than a protest".

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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