Smart Market in Montesanto in Naples: antiques, modernism, reuse and aperitifs
Comes the Smart Market at Montesanto in Naples, a space dedicated to modernism, antiques, reuse, design with music, aperitifs and brunch.
Saturday December 9 2017 will take place in Montesanto, in the ancient center of Naples, the Smart Market organized by the Intelligent District in its spaces, at the Montesanto stairs.
It is a market dedicated to the modern antiques, craftsmanship, antiques, reuse and even design. An event that is not new because it has been organized in other times in the past, but this time it is a special Christmas edition enriched by aperitif, brunch, DJ stations with music and a catering space. The music selection will be edited by TLT Kollektiv.
It will be a wonderful opportunity to find original articles, handmade and have new ideas for reusing old items that we would not know how to recycle. A space dedicated to vintage and creative ideas, all to be discovered, maybe even to buy some Christmas presents to surprise friends and relatives.