Easter and Easter Monday weather 2024, a surprise on the horizon

Weather for Easter and Easter Monday 2024
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Easter and Easter Monday are approaching and, as per tradition, everyone is wondering: “Will it rain again this year?” Surprisingly, the weather for 2024 it seems to want to overturn our expectations of rain during Easter Monday outings, especially at Central and Southern Italy where the sun will be the absolute protagonist.

In the North, however, it seems that tradition will be respected, with instability e temporal appearing since the beginning of the weekend. Let's see the forecast!

Easter and Easter Monday weather forecasts in Northern Italy

Easter at Northern Italy seems to want to maintain a certain tradition, with a weather that decides to play in advance by bringing instability already from Saturday March 30. THE Alps and Prealps they will be the first to deal with rains e temporal, which will not spare them either high plains. An invitation to keep close at hand umbrellas and raincoats for those who were thinking of venturing on excursions or walks outdoors.

Weather Symbol with Rain

Easter weather in the North

The day of Easter promises no respite, with showers o temporal which, faithful to their nomadic spirit, will move towards East, bringing with it a dose of uncertainty for those hoping for a peaceful Sunday.

Easter Monday weather in the North

Easter Monday, then, promises to be the grand finale of this unstable triptych: the increase of thunderstorms will first be a witness on the Alps, and then extend to northern plains and Toscana, perhaps putting traditional trips out of town at risk.

Easter and Easter Monday weather forecasts in Central Italy

In the Centre, the weather seems to be playing in favor of Easter customs. Saturday March 30 welcomes us with a sky that goes from serene al a bit cloudy, ideal for the final preparations before the holidays.

Symbol of variable weather with clouds, light rain and sun

Easter Weather in the Center

Easter in the Center it maintains the same tenor, with a small exception: some rain could timidly wet the Central Tuscany, without however disturbing the tranquility of the celebrations too much. In the rest of the region, the weather promises to be dry e sunny, as if to invite everyone to enjoy the festive day outdoors.

Easter Monday weather in the centre

Easter Mondayfinally, it confirms the positive trend with a sky that continues to maintain itself serene o a bit cloudy. An ideal condition for those planning picnics and trips with friends, with nature awakening in its full spring.

Easter and Easter Monday weather forecasts in Southern Italy

The South of Italy and the magnificent islands seem to have made a pact with the sun for this holiday weekend. Saturday March 30 opens with a sky that sweeps from serene al a bit cloudy, offering a perfect setting for the last commissions before the Easter celebrations.

Weather symbol with beautiful sunny weather

Easter weather in the South

Easter follows the same trail, offering days bathed in generous sunshine that promises to make every moment outdoors a pure pleasure. The temperatures, gently rising, accompany the holiday with an air that smells of advanced spring, ideal for long walks on the coasts or in the historic centers of the cities.

Easter Monday weather in the South

Easter Monday, then, is a candidate as the protagonist of the weekend, especially in Sicilia, where the thermometer could easily exceed 25%. An invitation to be tempted by trips to the seaside or to the countryside, where the sun will be a faithful companion for games and conviviality.

The ideal conditions for those in the South looking to spend the holidays away from the umbrella, immersed in the beauty of the landscapes and the warmth that only spring can offer.

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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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