Naples, Polyphonic Ulysses on stage at U-Turn, Joyce's Ulysses for piano and voice

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Poster of the show Ulisse Polifonico on stage at the U-Turn in Naples

James Joyce's "Ulysses" becomes a fascinating sound for piano and voice, staged at the U-Turn in Naples

THEUlysses undoubtedly represents one of the most famous novels of the 900th century, which gave life to the structure and spirit of modern fiction. Written in 1922 by the Irish author James Joyce, is characterized by a particular writing technique called "stream of consciousness", capable of transmitting as a continuous thought, without punctuation, the intricate inner world of the characters of the story.

For years it was believed that theUlysses was an unrepresentable work, since it is at the same time theater, cinema, painting, music, art. It is the story of a single day, June 16, 1904, of a group of Dubliners, whose meeting determines a journey and a thousand contributing causes in the lives of others. L'Ulysses è “A hallucinated metaphor of the life of every man, from Ulysses to us. An arduous, infinite undertaking, even if it develops in a single day ".

The cover of the novel Ulysses by James Joyce

Polyphonic Ulysses is a complex and fascinating project that represents the arduous task of adapting for the scene l'Ulysses. To accomplish it will be Francesco Bove, a multifaceted Neapolitan artist who will "translate" Joyce's novel into one unpublished version of piano and voice. 

"The idea is to restore all the musicality (and theatricality) of this imposing, complex but strongly structured work where the word becomes sound and the piano an instrument, no longer an accompaniment but that actively interacts, and with registers precise, with the text "

The next May 22, at the local U-Turn of Naples, will then go on stage Proteus, the third episode of Ulysses, whose protagonist is Stephen Dedalus, corresponding to the Telemachus of the Odyssey, artist and professor (in spite of himself), who walks on the beach getting lost in acrobatic meditations, distracted here and there by auditory and visual , tactile and olfactory that Sandymount beach presents to him from time to time.

Polyphonic Ulysses the offer five episodes ofUlysses of Joyce, and the second is provided for for the next 16 June, the day when “Bloomsday 2014” is celebrated all over the world. A challenging project, a bet and an unrepeatable opportunity to experience a new way of doing theater.

The show is organized and promoted by There is life on Mars, a cultural project and magazine that hosts reading advice, theatrical reviews, musical and cinematographic reports, political editorials, articles on customs and society, all focused on socio-cultural issues.

Information on the show Polyphonic Ulysses

When: 22 May at 21: 30
Duration: 55 minutes
Where: U-Turn Plan B, Vico Pallonetto in Santa Chiara, 15 / C, Naples
Information: Event on Facebook

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Written by Valentina D'Andrea
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