Nobody excluded in Naples: in via Marina the installation on solidarity and unity

None Excluding slogans
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In Via Marina in Naples the installation Nobody Excluded to launch a real message of unity and solidarity!

The city of Naples, in a period in which the phenomenon of discrimination continues to be felt, is sending its citizens a real message of solidarity and above all of unity with the installation of the giant slogan None Excluded. 

Installation None Excluded

The great installation of the artist Valente White it is located in via Marina, in particular at the roundabout between via Vespucci and corso Lucci and falls within the road redevelopment project. The choice of the place in which to install this slogan with a simple and clear message is obviously not a coincidence.

In fact, via Marina is located near the Port of Naples, a very popular place with tourists, commuters and students, but also with people who lives by the day and homeless. A message that wants to hit the hearts of tourists and citizens to remember that in this city no one is better than another: children, men, women, homosexuals, disabled people, immigrants and so on, all have the same value.


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Written by Serena De Luca
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