New Teatro Sanità of Naples, on stage the show The archive of the souls. Hamlet

Hamlet on stage at the Nuovo Teatro Sanità in Naples
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An original staging of Shakespeare's Hamlet at the New Teatro Sanità. The protagonist will be the undertaker who will celebrate Hamlet and the other characters moving the puppets.

Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 December 2018 al New Health Theater will go on stage "The archive of souls. Hamlet", un progetto teatrale prodotto dal Centro Teatrale Umbro, diretto da Naira Gonzalez e Massimiliano Donato, anche interprete dello spettacolo.

Once again, contemporary theater offers a review of Hamlet, Shakespeare's most famous tragedy, to undermine obviousness, clichés and characters, transforming it into a band of kings and queens, princes, ghosts, lovers, actors, whores and buffoons in a continuous metateatrical game. For the first time protagonist of Hamlet will be one of the most comical elements of the drama: the gravedigger, who will be, at the same time, guardian, master of ceremonies, actor, director, puppeteer, presenter, magician and tap dance dancer.

Lo spettacolo "The archive of souls. Hamlet" begins when the tragedy stops like in a snapshot, when Hamlet dedicates his death to the public and soon his body will be brought to the stage and the cannons will announce to heaven that a noble man has fallen.

“When the characters have fulfilled their tragic destiny, who is in charge of burying the dreams so that they bloom again the next day? It is in front of an empty audience that the figure of the gravedigger takes shape. He has the task of erasing the traces of the tragedy, of collecting the fetishes of the characters, of burying their desires, their thoughts, of erasing the signs of their passage ”.

The undertaker will have the task of celebrating Hamlet and the other characters, moving the puppets and remembering his jokes, evoking his actions, questions, doubts, answers, but above all death, including that of men condemned to relive their destiny always the same.

Information on the show The archive of souls. Hamlet

When: And 1 2 December 2018


  • Saturday 1 December, 21.00 hours
  • Sunday 2 December, 18.00 hours

Price tickets:

  • Full price: € 12
  • reduced under 25 and over 65: 10 euro

Where: New Sanità Theater, Piazzetta San Vincenzo, Naples

Info and reservations: 3396666426;

More information: Official website

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Written by Valentina D'Andrea
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