Simona Ventura's facial paralysis, how she is and what she is suffering from

Simona Ventura facial paresis on Rai 2

On Sunday evening, during the broadcast Rai2 intercom, Simona Ventura entered the studio showing an appearance that immediately took viewers by surprise: the left side of his face was visibly paralyzed.

Despite the obvious discomfort, Simona quickly reassured everyone, explaining that it was a temporary condition and that he was already undergoing treatment.

Thursday morning I woke up like this, it's nothing special, it's the cold, I'm taking care of myself

Simona Ventura

What does Simona Ventura suffer from? What is Bell's Palsy? How is she treated?

When Simona Ventura showed up with half her face blocked, many immediately thought the worst. The diagnosis, however, revealed a less alarming reality: Bell's palsy. This condition, of temporary nature, it hits the seventh cranial nerve responsible for the movement of facial muscles with inflammation. The exact cause is often unknown, but various studies have confirmed that nerve inflammation and swelling are often triggered by viral infections.

Essentially what happens is that the inflammation leads to swelling and therefore compression of the nerve which, in turn, causes paralysis. Who is affected by Bell's palsy he may also have difficulty closing his eyes at night and tasting flavors with the front of his tongue.

The treatment that Simona is following is quite standard for this pathology: cortisone to reduce inflammation, antivirals to combat any underlying viral cause e Vitamins to support the nervous system. The majority of people fully recovers from Bell's Palsy, but recovery time may vary from a few weeks to several months, as appropriate.

The video that made fans worry

Before appearing live at Rai2 intercom, Simona Ventura had shared a video on Instagram which did not take long to raise concerns among his followers. In the short clip, her obvious facial issue sparked a wave of speculation among fans, who expressed their most varied conjectures, from the usual ones Sunday conspiracy theorists, which they recalled possible post-Covid effects with adverse reactions to vaccines, to those who have invented all types, even talking about much more serious things.

With her usual frankness, Simona addressed the rumors directly, denying the most imaginative hypotheses and providing a clear explanation of your condition. Nothing to worry about, it's just a temporary condition by the way very well known in medicine.

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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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