Walk among the fireflies at Lake Averno, a magical light show

The magic of fireflies in a bacoli vine
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At Lake Averno, appointment with Lucciole and Sibilla, a night walk among the fireflies with wine tasting!

On the 9th, the11, 17 and 24 June 2017 al Lake Averno of Naples the 5th edition of "Lucciole e Sibilla" organized by the Archaeological Group of the Phlegraean Fields. An appointment that includes one night visit at the lake in search of fireflies to admire their dance, considered, by those who have seen it in previous years, a natural light show that offers many emotions.

Participants will be conducted along the shores of the lake until you reach the foot of the Temple of Apollo and cross paths where you can admire the fantastic event. The duration of the route will be about two hours and includes one tasting of DOC wines of Campi Flegrei to the "Cantine dell'Averno". The children, on the other hand, will be able to ask their questions and receive answers to all their curiosities.

To participate in the enchanting night walk there reservation is mandatory.

Information on Lucciole and Sibilla

When: 9, 11, 17 and 24 Jun 2017

Where: appointment at the Caronte Ristopub in via Lago d'Averno n. 2 (Na)

Schedule: by 20: 00 22 to: 00

Ticket price: € 10,00 adults | € 2,00 from 15 to 18 years>

Info and reservations: Facebook event 9 and 11 June | Facebook event 17 and 24 June | 388 83 52 036

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Written by Alessandro Ruggieri
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