The Conservatory of San Pietro a Majella in Naples

Conservatory of San Pietro a Majella in Naples
Article contents

The Conservatory

The Royal Music Conservatory of San Pietro a Majella, pillar of the Naple's music, is located in the heart of the historic city center.

Access is dominated by a cloister of palm trees in the center of which one rises statue of Beethoven and on whose bottom we can see the Scarlatti Room where you can attend concerts, conferences and seminars.

The Museum

The Museum of the Conservatory of San Pietro a Majella holds a remarkable amount of ancient and precious musical instruments among which emerge beautiful arches made in the famous Neapolitan school of violin making, wind instruments, plectrums in mother-of-pearl, the arpetta of Stradivari, a fortepiano, the harpsichord of Catherine II of Russia, the pianos of Mercadante and Thalberg.
At the exhibition of musical instruments, there is also the quadreria with the portraits the authoritative Neapolitan composers.

The Library

The Library houses autographs, manuscripts e rare prints, ma è closed to the public.

Information on the Conservatory of San Pietro a Majella

Price tickets:

  • free entry


  • Tel: 081.544.92.55 XNUMX XNUMX
  • E-mail: - ​​
  • Official website

How to get:

  • Address: Via San Pietro a Majella, 35 - 80138 Naples
  • From Piazza Garibaldi: L1 metro line, Dante station, take Via Port'Alba and Vico San Pietro a Majella (about 4 minutes on foot)
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