The Pausilypon Archaeological Park in Naples

The park
Il Pausilypon Archaeological-Environmental Park it extends from the promontory of Trentaremi to the Gaiola valley. You can access the park by crossing the Cave of Seiano and you can admire, on this vast area overlooking the sea and immersed in one of the most suggestive atmospheres of the Gulf of Naples, the remains of the villa of Pausilypon, erected in the I century BC by the Roman knight Publio Vedio Pollione, the Roman Theater , the Odeion and some representative rooms.
This place was, in Roman times, one of the most luxurious and famous areas, where senators and rich knights built their villas. That of the Pausilypon is one of the best examples of architecture designed in harmony with nature including, in addition to the housing, gardens, spas, gardens, areas for shows and port facilities on the sea.
Information on the Pausilypon Archaeological Park
Itinerary start times
- Itinerary 1: Grotta di Seiano - Pausilypon environmental archaeological park - from Tuesday to Friday at 12,00 - Saturday at 10.00 and 12.00 - Sunday at 10.00, 11.00 and 12.00.
- Itinerary 2: Grotta di Seiano - Pausilypon Environmental Archaeological Park - Protected Marine Area of the Submerged Park of Gaiola (Aquavision Boat) - Single shift at 9,00
- Itinerary 2 - snorkel: Seiano Grotto - Pausilypon Environmental Archaeological Park - Marine Protected Area of Gaiola Submerged Park (Snorkeling) - Single shift at 9,00
price tickets
- 1 Itinerary: € 6
- 2 Itinerary: € 18
- 2-snork Itinerary: € 25
- Reservations are required
- Tel: 081 240 3235 - 3285947790
- E-mail:
- Site of the Pausilypon Park
How to Get There:
By car:
Tangential exit Vomero - Via Cilea - Via Manzoni - Descent Coroglio; b) Tangenziale exit Fuorigrotta - Via Diocleziano - Piazza Bagnoli - Descent Coroglio; c) Tangenziale exit Agnano - Via Agnano - Via Beccatelli - Via Nuova Agnano - Piazza Bagnoli - Via Coroglio - Descent Coroglio.
By bus
- get off at the Napoli-Mergellina station and take the C16 bus to Piedigrotta and then the R7 bus to the Cattolica-Nisida stop
- get off at Naples-Campi Flegrei station and take the R7 bus from Piazzale Tecchio to the Cattolica-Nisida stop
Reservations: 0812403235 - 3285947790
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More information on the official website of the CSI Gaiola