The submerged park of Gaiola in Naples


The submerged park

Il Submerged Park of Gaiola it's a'protected sea area located along the coast of Posillipo and extending from the Trentaremi Bay to the Borgo di Marechiaro. It takes its name from the two islets of Gaiola that rise a few meters from the coast and represent a unique setting of the Gulf of Naples.

Its peculiarity is that of being submerged archaeological area, which combines volcanological, archaeological and biological elements. In fact, on its backdrop, they are present numerous remains and archaeological finds, submerged due to bradyseism, or the slow sinking of the earth's crust.

Thanks to visits to the protected area of ​​the submerged park of Gaiola, one can visit the remains of the Imperial Villa of Pausilypon, belonging to the Roman knight Publio Vedio Pollione, who later became the imperial residence of Augustus and his successors, but also to admire the incredible typical Mediterranean marine species, all visible through "Water tour" by boat, with underwater vision boats, or with activities of snorkeling and Diving.

Information on the submerged park of Gaiola

Opening hours of the Submerged Park of Gaiola

• from 1 April to 30 September, from Tuesday to Sunday: from 10 to 16
• from 1 October to 31 October, from Tuesday to Sunday: from 10 to 14
• from November 1 to 31 March, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: from 10 to 14
• closed on Monday
• Access to the Integral Reserve Area is allowed only during the opening hours of the Visitor Center

price tickets

• Aquavision course: full € 12.00; reduced for children under 12 years: € 10.00
• € 20.00 Snorkeling course
• Reservations are required


How to Get There:

Address: Descent Gaiola (Cliff) - 80123 Naples


  • 140 from Mergellina, C31 from Vomero, C21 from Mergellina, get off at the Discesa Coroglio - Istituto Denza stop and then continue on foot for the Gaiola Descent via Tito Lucrezio Caro.
  • C1 from Fuorigrotta (Piazzale Tecchio), get off at the terminus of Capo Posillipo. Take the Gaiola descent on foot, taking via Tito Lucrezio Caro.


Line 2

  • Get off at the Mergellina stop, take bus 140 and get off at the Discesa Coroglio - Istituto Denza stop and then continue on foot for the Gaiola descent
  • Get off at Campi Flegrei stop, take the C1 bus and get off at the end of Capo Posillipo. Take the Gaiola descent on foot, taking via Tito Lucrezio Caro.
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