Quarto Grado, previews and guests of the March 24rd episode

Fourth-degree conductors

Fridays on Rete 4 It is synonymous with Fourth Degree, the in-depth and current affairs program conducted by journalists Alessandra Viero and Gianluigi Nuzzi.

Between puzzles to unravel, murder mysteries and crime news, studio experts are ready to share their analyses.

The story of Saman Abbas

Tonight's episode begins with the story of Saman Abbas, the young Pakistani from only 18 years old killed on May 1, 2021 in Novellara, in the province of Reggio Emilia.
The trial began in mid-February and, as reconstructed from the investigations, it seems that the three are accused of the murder planned and prepared the crime down to the smallest detail, staging a real criminal plan.

But what is behind this murder and what role did Saman's family play?
The young woman he had to get married but she could not rebel against her family's choices, a very delicate issue that raises questions about the condition of women in some Pakistani communities.

Suicide or murder for Liliana Resinovich?

But it doesn't end there. At the heart of tonight's episode, the story of Liliana Resinovich, the 63-year-old woman found dead in a grove.
The reconstruction of the investigations highlighted traces of DNA never attributed to the artifacts found in the place of discovery, but what lies behind the woman's death?
It is a suicide or murder?

And if it's a murder, who is the killer?
The episode of Fourth Degree will try to shed light on this story still shrouded in mystery, also investigating the possible reasons that led to Liliana's death.

Guests and experts

Fourth Degree will welcome numerous guests and experts on the March 17 episode, including

  • Carmen Pugliese,
  • Luciano Garofano,
  • Alessandro Meluzzi,
  • Massimo Picozzi,
  • Carmelo Abbate,
  • Caterina Collovati,
  • Grace Longo

The participation of Quartograders, the online community

Like every week the online community of Fourth Degree, known as “fourth graderswill actively participate in the broadcast, posting comments and questions on social media during the live broadcast.

The participation of viewers will give them the opportunity to interact and contribute in real time.

Where to see Fourth Degree live on TV, streaming and on demand

The program awaits you tonight, starting at around 21.20, live on Rete 4. Don't miss this episode full of insights and analyzes of still unsolved cases and crime news mysteries.

As always Fourth Degree will be broadcast on Rete 4 but is also available in live streaming on Mediaset Infinity and, at the end, on demand always on Mediaset Infinity.

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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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