Strike on March 8th, dates, times, guaranteed slots and transport

School strike
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On March 8, International Women's Day, this year will be marked by a strike of national importance: a general strike that will involve key sectors such as transportand school and university. A move by the unions developed for attract attention on fundamental topics such as gender gap and disparity still present in the world of work.

We will therefore see slowdowns and stops in the main Italian cities, a strong signal on a day dedicated to reflection and the fight for women's rights.

The reasons for the strike

March 8 is not a randomly chosen date for general strike. A day, symbol of the fight for women's rights, which becomes an opportunity to highlight issues such as gender gap, a gap that persists despite the progress made over the years.

Trade unions such as Slai-Cobas, Adl-Cobas, Usb e Hosp Faisa-Cisal have decided to join forces to denounce not only wage inequalities, but also precarious employment andinvisible exploitation of care work, which weigh more heavily on the shoulders of women. A cry of protest against a social and working model which still relegates women to a disadvantaged position today.

  • Fight against violence gender and that aimed at people LGBTQIA +.
  • The contrast to every form of discrimination, harassment and racism in the places of work and study.
  • The opposition to precariousness of work, salary disparities, and ai involuntary part time.
  • The resistance against project of Differentiated Autonomy, seen as a factor that could increase territorial inequalities.
  • Opposition to economic policies that are believed to worsen the unemployment , poverty.
  • Criticism of Italy's involvement in international military dynamics, such as supporting Israel and sending weapons to Ukraine.
  • The request of free and accessible public services and a legal minimum wage, in addition to the reduction of working hours without salary reduction.
  • The promotion of courses onsex education in schools to foster relationships based on respect for gender differences.
  • Support for defense and strengthening of shelter homes and anti-violence centers.

Joining the strike

Lo general strike will follow specific methods depending on the trade union organizations involved:

  • Lai-Cobas proposes a national strike that will affect all work sectors for the whole day, with specific times for railways, motorways, local public transport, the airline sector and maritime connections.
  • Usb focuses on a general strike excluding the transport sector, highlighting a more selective participation.
  • Adl-Cobas extends the strike to the public and private sectors for the whole day, with particular attention to highways.
  • Cub joins with a general strike which, similarly to the USB, excludes the transport sector.
  • Hosp Faisa-Cisal aims at local public transport, with specific participation time slots for the staff of the Messina branch office.

The strike in the education sector

March 8th will also see an important mobilization in theeducation, with schools e university involved in general strike. This participation underlines the desire to highlight the problems related to gender gap andinvisible exploitation of care work, issues that also profoundly concern the world of education. There Flc-CGIL highlights how the patriarchal model continues to be a reality rooted in society, which is why the fight for gender equality and the recognition of women's work becomes crucial even at school and in university classrooms.

The fire brigade strike

even the fire brigade sector will join the general strike in ways that reflect the essential nature of their service:

  • Il tourist staff will observe a 4-hour strike, effective from 09: 00 to 13: 00, without deductions.
  • For daily or administrative staff, the strike will be extended forall day.

During the strike, they will be guaranteed i minimum essential services. Any category or territorial articulations will be communicated by the trade unions themselves.

The times of the transport strike

Lo strike on March 8th it will not have the enormous impact originally hypothesized on the whole Italian transport network, given that transportation has been formally excluded from the strike, but will still be partly involved given the adhesion of one of the largest trade unions.

It will be important to keep an eye on them guarantee bands, intended to guarantee a minimum service during peak hours, to still allow essential movements such as reaching work or school.

THE8 March, in any case, he will see cities like Milano, Roma, Torino e Napoli face potential disruption due to the strike.

Trenitalia has communicated the list of trains guaranteed in the event of a strike, Italo's participation is still unclear given that the company has not communicated anything in this sense.

Transport strike on 8 March in Naples

The membership of state Railways who manages the in Naples Subway 2 Line Trenitalia being involved in joining the strike.
ANM and EAV they instead communicated that they will not join the strike, therefore the following services will be regular:

  • Subway 1 Line
  • Bus
  • Tram
  • Funicular
  • Circumvesuviana
  • Cumana
  • Circumflegrea
  • Metrocampania Nordest

Here is the list of Trenitalia trains in Campania guaranteed in the event of a strike.

Transport strike on 8 March in Milan

In Milan, services ATM (metro, tram, bus) could suffer interruptions despite the exclusion of transport, with the Trenord which includes registrations until 21pm, ensuring rides only in guarantee bands from 6:00 to 9:00 and from 18:00 to 21:00.

So there will be a stop of services from midnight on 7 March to 21.00 pm on 8 March 2024

Transport strike on 8 March in Rome

Even in Rome, the service of ATTACK, Cotral and Rome Tpl could be interested despite the exclusion of transport, with similar guarantee bands that will guarantee the minimum service during peak hours.

Here is the list of Trenitalia trains in Lazio guaranteed in the event of a strike.

The guarantee bands

The official warranty bands have not been communicated, usually vary from region to region and from company to company, but we can make some hypotheses.
Usually, these slots are established to ensure connections during the most critical hours of the day, such as peak times in the morning and evening, to allow people to reach their places of work or study.

Warranty bands typically include:

  • Early in the morning, until 8 or 30, to allow travel to schools and offices.
  • Late afternoon/early evening, from 17pm to 00pm, to facilitate the return home.

Here is the list of Trenitalia trains in Campania guaranteed in the event of a strike.

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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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