Big Brother Vip

The latest updates
GF Vip 7: second surprise finalist, the anger of Orietta Berti

GF Vip 7: second surprise finalist, the anger of Orietta Berti

March 17 2023

Final of Big Brother VIP 2023: previews and polls

Final of Big Brother VIP 2023: previews and polls

March 16 2023

GF Vip 7: advances March 16, 2023, Sarah Altobello against everyone

GF Vip 7: advances March 16, 2023, Sarah Altobello against everyone

March 16 2023

GF Vip 7: Edoardo Donnamaria infuriates the neighbors, what happened

GF Vip 7: Edoardo Donnamaria infuriates the neighbors, what happened

March 15 2023

GF Vip 7, the news and why Edoardo Donnamaria was not in the studio

GF Vip 7, the news and why Edoardo Donnamaria was not in the studio

March 14 2023

GF Vip 7: advances episode March 13, 2023, two more disqualifications

GF Vip 7: advances episode March 13, 2023, two more disqualifications

March 13 2023

Edoardo Donnamaria screams out of the GF Vip: censored (video)

Edoardo Donnamaria screams out of the GF Vip: censored (video)

March 11 2023

GF Vip 7, what happened and the highlights of the last episode

GF Vip 7, what happened and the highlights of the last episode

March 07 2023

Who is Matilde Brandi, ex-husband Marco Costantini, bio and curiosities

Who is Matilde Brandi, ex-husband Marco Costantini, bio and curiosities

March 04 2023

GF Vip 7: harsh measures for 4 VIPs and the VAN case, what happened?

GF Vip 7: harsh measures for 4 VIPs and the VAN case, what happened?

February 24 2023

GF Vip 7: episode Monday 20 February 2023, what happened

GF Vip 7: episode Monday 20 February 2023, what happened

February 21 2023

GF Vip 7: Sarah Altobello, marriage proposal live!

GF Vip 7: Sarah Altobello, marriage proposal live!

February 15 2023