The college

The latest updates
Il Collegio 8 on Rai 1, previews October 20th with Joe Bastianich

Il Collegio 8 on Rai 1, previews October 20th with Joe Bastianich

October 20, 2023

The college 8, previews and masters, second episode 1 October

The college 8, previews and masters, second episode 1 October

29 September 2023

Il Collegio 8, how many episodes, when it starts and ends

Il Collegio 8, how many episodes, when it starts and ends

25 September 2023

Who is Davide Moccia: the Collegio, social media, bio and curiosities

Who is Davide Moccia: the Collegio, social media, bio and curiosities

June 17 2023

College 7: Gabriel kisses Elisa, Jade is jealous!

College 7: Gabriel kisses Elisa, Jade is jealous!

October 26, 2022