Whatsapp and SMS scam. Hi Mom, my phone is broken. What to do

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La Postal Police he spotted one new scam su Whatsapp, thanks to the complaints of many citizens. Fraudsters send messages posing as a relative or acquaintance of the victim, posing as a problem that requires a large sum of money to solve. The typical message reads: “

Hi Mom, my phone is broken. I'm texting you now from a friend's phone. My new number [link that looks like whatsapp] write me now on whatsapp

There is also a variant for i fathers (male holders)

Hi Dad, my phone is broken. I'm texting you now from a friend's phone. My new number [link that looks like whatsapp] write me now on whatsapp

example of sms scam

Statement from the Postal Police

The police immediately issued a communique to warn users:

“If you receive a message from your child who warns you that he has broken the phone and asks you to save his new number in your address book contacts, it could be a scam – reads the note – the first message will be followed by unusual requests for money, the top-up of a prepaid card, the credentials to access the current account".

The scam message can also come via SMS, as happened to an 85-year-old woman who promptly notified the police.

Tips to avoid scam

Scams on instant messaging applications are increasingly numerous and often present themselves as harmless messagesi which are actually meant to hook the victim to urge them to communicate personal data. Agents recommend never answer to these messages, cancel the conversation and delete or block the number from the address book.

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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