UPAS advances February 2023, new tears for Niko and Viola

Niko A place in the sun
Image source: Instagram profile @unpostoalsolerai3

Le previews of A Place in the Sun for the now imminent month of February they are quite clear and seem to have to reserve quite a few surprises for all viewers. Although the events around which the next episodes will revolve will be different, the absolute protagonists will be Nunzio, Alice (with the story of the fake attempted rape) and Niko and Viola (for which particularly difficult moments are on the horizon). What's going to happen?

UPAS February 2023: Niko and Viola will go through painful moments

The life of Viola and Nico, in recent months, has been literally shocked by theattack in which Susanna lost her life and in which Viola seriously risked dying. And just entry into one new stage of the process for this murder will bring a new wave of pain in the life of the two boys. Difficult moments await them and new tears will be destined to furrow their faces. All this is especially true for Niko who, thanks to the strength given to him by his son Jimmy, has faced the monsters of the past in every way to be able to return to "normal" after this tragedy.

Lello Valsano, the material author of Susanna's murder, will then return to the scene and many are, at this point, wondering if all this will finally put the word "end" to this very painful story and if the man will regret what he has done or not. Can't wait to find out!

Nuncio exonerated forever from the accusation of attempted violence?

That Nunzio might be capable of attempting sexual assault against Alice was questioned right away from Elena. The woman, who returned to Naples to be close to her daughter in a particularly complicated moment for her, however, immediately suffered showed all his doubts. On the other hand, it would not be the first time that the little girl invent lies to get revenge of someone from whom he didn't get what he wanted!

However, after the complaint Alice will fall victim to guilt and, despite Marina (having learned the truth) will insist that the girl make the young Cammarota pay. Alice, however, he will make a decision after Elena's insistence very important: Could you exonerate Nunzio? Will he decide to accept his mother's proposal and leave Naples for London?

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Written by Patricia Maimone
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