The new Campania Romana section was presented at MANN

Statues of MANN of Roman Campania

Il Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, was in Naples on Mondayon April 3, 2023 for the presentation of the new section Campania Roman al National Archaeological Museum of Naples. At 11:00 there was the inauguration of the Roman Campania section at the Auditorium (live broadcast on Facebook).

They attended the Director Paolo Giulierini, Professor Massimo Osanna (General Director of Museums), the Professor Carmela Capaldi (curator of the section) and the President of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca. Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano will conclude. And then 12:00 the tour of the Campania Romana section led by Director Giulierini and Professor Capaldi took place, reserved for journalists, experts and authorities.

Female statue from Herculaneum
Female statue from Herculaneum

The new Campania Romana section

The rooms on the ground floor of the western wing of the museum will host the new section dedicated to Roman Campania, which will exhibit approx 200 finds coming from the main archaeological sites of the region, such as Pompeii, Herculaneum, Cuma, Baia, Pozzuoli and Capua (now Santa Maria Capua Vetere).

The exposure aims to recreate various contexts of the imperial age through sculptures, wall paintings and inscriptions, offering a cross-section of the public, civil and religious life of the time, as well as illustrating the ideals of representation of the patrons.

Among the exposed piecesi, include the sculptures of the amphitheater of ancient Capua, the colossal sculptures of the Capitolium of Cuma, the cycle of frescoes of the basilica of Herculaneum and the reconstruction of the famous bronze quadriga from Herculaneum. It's still:

  • Female statue of Concordia Augusta – From Pompeii Inv. 6262
  • Male statue cd. “Germanic” – From Pompeii Inv. 6044
  • Head of Apollo type Omphalos – From Pompeii Inv. 153640
  • Statue of Holconius Rufus – From Pompeii Inv. 6233
  • Apollo darting – From Pompeii Inv. 6281
  • Female statue cd. “Little Herculaneum”
  • Protome of Juno – From Pompeii Inv. 6264
  • Statue female – From Herculaneum Inv. 6244
  • Female statue of Concordia Augusta – From Pompeii Inv. 6262
  • Male statue cd. “Germanic” – From Pompeii Inv. 6044
  • Head of Apollo type Omphalos – From Pompeii Inv. 153640
  • Statue of Holconius Rufus – From Pompeii Inv. 6233
  • Lightning Apollo – From Pompeii Inv. 6281
  • Statue female CD. “Little Herculaneum”
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