Spring allergy to grasses: causes, symptoms and remedies

Woman allergic to grass
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The allergy to grasses represents a common problem for many people during the flowering months of the plants.
In this article we will explore the causes of the allergy to grasses, the symptomatology associated and the possible solutions to manage and prevent allergic episodes.

The causes of grass allergy and what they are

The grasses are a widespread family of plants and include both wild plants and weeds.
The flowering of these plants produces pollen that they can cause allergic reactions in predisposed individuals. It should be noted that the presence of animal hair domestic can further aggravate symptoms.

Symptoms associated with grass allergy

Allergic manifestations, in general, vary according to the individual and they can also manifest themselves with different intensities.

In general the most common symptoms of grass allergy include:

  • Severe nasal congestion
  • Wheezing or difficulty breathing
  • Itchy nose even inside the cavities
  • Frequent sneezing
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Clear and copious nasal secretions

Treatment strategies for grass allergy

To deal with grass allergy, several pharmacological and natural treatments are available:

  • drugs: Antihistamines and nasal corticosteroids may be prescribed by your doctor based on the severity and duration of your symptoms. There are different types and generations.
  • Natural remedies: Products of natural origin such as turmeric or blackcurrant, or the hiring of manganese, sulfur e phosphorus may, to a limited extent, help reduce inflammation and to rebalance allergic reactions.

What are antihistamines, how to use them and what is the difference between first and second generation

Antihistamines are drugs commonly used for the treatment of allergy symptoms.
These drugs work blocking the effects of histamines, chemicals produced by the immune system in response to exposure to an allergen.

Histamines cause the dilation of blood vessels, muscle contraction and increased mucus production, causing allergy symptoms.

Types of antihistamines

there two types of antihistamines: those of the first and those of the second generation.

How first generation antihistamines work

First generation antihistamines act on histamine receptors in the brain and spinal cord, causando drowsiness and other side effects such as dry mouth, blurred vision, and constipation.

Some examples of first generation antihistamines are:

How second generation antihistamines work

Second generation antihistamines act on histamine receptors in the body, without causing drowsiness and other side effects.
These drugs include:

Reactine is a second generation antihistamine

Symptoms treated by antihistamines

Antihistamines are used for the treatment of allergic symptoms such as itching, hives, runny nose, itchy eyes and sneezing.

Differently from what is thought, however, antihistamines they are not effective in treating all symptoms allergic.
For example, antihistamines they are not effective in treating asthma allergic, which requires specific medications such as bronchodilators.

Side effects of antihistamines

The side effects of antihistamines may vary depending on the type and the dose of the drug.
First-generation antihistamines can cause drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, and constipation, while second-generation antihistamines can cause headaches, dry mouth, and fatigue.

In some cases, antihistamines can also cause problems with concentration, sleep disturbances, and stomach pain as a result they should generally be taken according to the doctor's instructions.

Prevention and symptom management

To prevent and manage the symptoms of grass allergy, there are a few strategies you can adopt:

  • Avoid fatty and histamine-rich foods, such as fermented cheeses, cured meats, fatty fish, seafood, chocolate and alcohol.
  • Use specific products, such as ophthalmic solutions, nasal sprays and nutritional supplements, to counteract symptoms and prevent allergic episodes.
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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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