Amici 22: collect all the shirts from the evening! What is going on

Image source: Instagram profile Friends of Maria De Filippi (@amiciufficiale)

Twist to Amici 22: the production, surprisingly, and after Rudy Zerbi decided to give the Evening shirt to Piccolo G, announced to all the students that, during the episode on Sunday 12 March 2023, all the Evening shirts! A decision that has not failed to arouse angry reactions.

It was Blessed Vari, favorite pupil of Raymond Todaro, to read the message to his companions, but this did not make the surprise any less unexpected: the production of Amici 22, less than a week away from first episode of the Evening, has decided to collect all the golden shirts of the Evening!

The decision came after that Rudy Zerby has decided to give the coveted shirt to little g. A decision that has not failed to arouse protests and dismay, as well as the content of the message:

"The production took into account the fact that only some teachers have legitimately decided to select their respective students in view of the evening and that there are no evening shirts for everyone."

Amici 22, evening shirts collected from all students, the reactions

The message then continued, stating:

"During Sunday's episode, the Evening shirt will be collected from all those who have had it so far and communicates that to determine which of you will access the Amici Evening, a selection will be made through a vote of all the singing teachers and I dance through the modalities that you will discover in the episode.”

N.D.G., not too surprisingly, it immediately clicked, saying:

“I disagree but for those who already have it. Whoever earned it, earned it.”

Different reactions Alessio need Matthias Zenzola, who, although using different words, declared that they found it the right decision:

“It's a question of fairness. As if we all started from scratch, maybe it's the right thing for everyone."

Some students have pointed out that a singing teacher may not be an expert in dance, and vice versa.

Wax however, having ended up in the eye of the storm due to the nutmeg case, he somehow managed to calm everyone down:

“I think it's the right thing. We have to study everything, on Sunday they can ask us for anything and more.”

Read also:

Amici 22: Rudy Zerbi blurts out against a student, censorship is triggered

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Friends 22, evening advances and teachers who leave

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Written by Frances Orelli
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