"Open-vegetable garden, autumn colors" at the Botanical Garden of the Reggia di Portici

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open to the botanical garden of the portici palace

"Aper-garden, autumn colors" is an event that will take you inside the suggestive Botanical Garden of the Reggia di Portici, sipping a good aperitif

The Museum Center "Museums of Agricultural Sciences" - MUSA of Portici has organized an interesting event in one of the most important places not only in southern Italy, but throughout the peninsula. We are talking about the Botanical Garden of the Reggia di Portici, which awaits you for a “Open-garden"Really special.

The Palace was the royal residence of the Bourbon family before the Royal Palace of Caserta was built and its works began under the reign of Charles III in the year 1738. Its Botanical Gardeninstead, it was born in 1872 together with the foundation of the Royal Higher School of Agriculture and is both a scientific museum, a historical garden and an archaeological site.

Inside they can be found plants from all over the world, but also very important historical-architectural finds of the ancient royal gardens. Thanks to the event organized for the occasion, you will have the opportunity to visit, thanks to the guidance of an expert botanical operator, all the collections of superior plants and ferns, plants such as Cactaceae, Euphorbiae, Apocynacee, Didieracee, Liliacee and Crassulaceae, as well as rare specimens from Madagascar.

A specimen not to be missed is certainly the Welwitschia mirabilis, una rare plant of African deserts which has perfectly managed to adapt to the climate of the Royal Garden.

Il 6 October, therefore, with "Aper-orto" you can make a pleasant visit to this fantastic plant world, sipping a good aperitif in the company of a guide who will lead you through the streets of the history and architecture of the Botanical Garden.

Information on "Aper-orto, autumn colors"

When: 6 October 2013
Where: Botanical Garden of the Palace of Portici
Now: at 11.00 appointment at the entrance of the Royal Palace of Portici, via Università 100 – Portici (NA)
Price: participation fee for adults 5 €; children from 13 to 18 years 3 €; minors of 12 years free admission

La reservation is mandatory as the event will take place only when a minimum number of participants is reached.

Booking Info:

Phone: 081.2532016
Email: segreteria@centromusa.it


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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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