BookMob in Piazza Dante: the appointment to exchange surprise books is back

BookMob in Piazza Dante in Naples
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The BookMob, the original book exchange, returns with a new appointment in Piazza Dante!

Il BookMob go back to Napoli for a new appointment in Piazza Dante and it does so after the success of the previous initiatives a Piazza San Domenico Maggiore.

The event, which will take place on 31 October 2015, is in all respects a flashmob in which participants can exchange books, after having carefully packed them. For this reason, whoever receives the book will not know what the text will be, only discovering it after discarding it.

An initiative conceived by the Librincircolo Association, active in "putting culture into circulation" also through original ideas like this one.
You can bring any book you prefer, either one that you did not like is one you loved. The important thing is to share.

How the BookMob will take place

The event will take place in two minutes and you will have to follow the following simple rules:

  • pack books using a Halloween-themed card
  • at 18.00 in points you will form a large circle in Piazza Dante (with no one in front or behind)
  • at the start everyone will pass the package to whoever is on his left and will receive one from those on the right
  • the way will start after the countdown to be done together starting from the 20 number
  • if someone finds himself with two books, he will give one to those left without, while those who have not received them will position themselves in the middle waiting to receive
  • those who want to exchange more than one book will leave the packages in the center and, at the end of the BookMob there will be a small countdown and can take the books who will run first in the center of the human circle

Information on the BookMob

When: 31 October 2015
Where: Piazza Dante
Working time: 18.00
Contacts: 331 9911964 | 3451576767 | | Facebook event

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