2019 Kindness Festival: many initiatives in Naples and Campania to educate the citizens of tomorrow

Festival of kindness
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The 2019 Festival of Kindness will involve companies and institutions in the second week of November

Born from the idea of ​​Viviana Hutter, Margherita Rizzuto and Nio Antonio Puzzi, the Festival of Kindness will be held by11 to 17 November in Naples and throughout Campania with free events and open laboratories for young and old.

All the initiatives that are coordinated through the Festival project aim to spread and increase the culture of kindness in all segments of the population, teaching especially to the youngest love and care for others, for the city and finally for the environment.

The Festival will consist of several days dedicated to very different thematic areas (public goods, environment, culture, gastronomic traditions, social relations, etc.).

General program of the 2019 Kindness Festival

(more information available on Official site of the Festival, where it is also possible to consult the list of Partner who join the initiative)

11 November 2019: Presentation, thematic workshops
12 November 2019: At school of kindness (school)
13 November 2019: TalesAmo Kindness (culture)
14 Novembre 2019: CuciniAmo Gentilezza (gastronomy)
15 November 2019: PracticeAmo Kindness (cultural heritage)
November 16, 2019: PratichiAmo Kindness (company)
17 November 2019: ColtAmo Gentile (environment)

Information on the 2019 Kindness Festival

Where: Piazza Matteotti, Naples

When: from 11 to 17 November 2019

Price: Free Event

Information and contacts: Facebook page (for registration)

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