Carnival in Naples 2014 | The best fashion shows in Naples and Campania

Carnival is approaching! Here are the parades of the most beautiful and colorful allegorical wagons to watch Naples and Campania!
Slightly late, and with almost spring temperatures, we prepare to celebrate the 2014 Carnival in Naples and Campania. In fact, the Fat Tuesday will be held on 4 March 2014, but already in these days preceding the "climax" of this holiday period, events and celebrations of all kinds are held. In Campania, and in the city of Napoli, as in the rest of Italy and the world, the most typical celebrations will consist of parades of allegorical floats, which attract many citizens and tourists who want to admire the beautiful and colorful masks, but also be involved in the party, including masquerades, disguises, jokes and tastings of sweets typical of this colorful festival loved by children, but also by adults!
Napolike offers you a list of parades not to be missed, which will be held in Naples and in the province, but also in other locations of the Campania! If instead you want to get involved and disguise yourself, do not lose the le parties organized in the premises of Naples!
Carnival parades in Naples
Health Carnival | Friday 28 February
One of the most historic and popular Neapolitan neighborhoods prepares for his V edition of the Carnival which will see the collaboration of the realities that work in this neighborhood: the Associations, the Territorial Centers, the City Playroom, the Day Center of Mental Health and some schools. Teens and adults of the Health, through workshops, they make allegorical floats, masks and musical instruments for the parade that will color the alleys and streets of the neighborhood. The appointment is for February 28th and will start from Piazza Cavour.
Materdei Carnival | Friday 28 February
The parades will start Friday 28 February at 10:30 from Piazza Scipione Ammirato, Where is the subway station. The “Carri e musica” event will be held with the Banda Baleno Murga from Naples and the famous Tubbisti from Materdei.
Carnival of Scampia | Sunday 2 March
32th edition of the Carnival organized in the district of Scampia by GRIDAS, the cultural association that aims to stimulate an awakening in the consciences of Neapolitan citizens and to promote active participation in the growth of the city. Indeed the preparation of this colorful Carnival it is entrusted to the entire citizenship, with the participation of schools, associations and individual citizens. From mid-January, every day at 18: 30, at the headquarters of GRIDAS, are held WORKSHOPS to build masks and carts, with a constant exchange of ideas and creativity. Here the Carnival becomes a metaphor for the social redemption of a degraded neighborhood and overshadowed by institutions, but that the 2 March will show everyone all its energy and vitality!
Carnevale di Montesanto | every Saturday
Every Saturday from 10: 00 to 13: 30 up to Carnival in Piazzetta Olivella there will be workshops, games and shows for adults and children.
Carnival in the neighborhoods of Naples Tuesday 4 March
Parades in the neighborhoods of Barra, Montesanto, in the historic center (in Largo San Marcellino) and in Chiaiano, in the Parco Cupa Spinelli
Bar | Tuesday 4 March
Appointment in piazza de Franchis at 10: 00 for the masked parade of children for the whole neighborhood. From 16 hours music and games in the square
Neapolitan Carnascialata in via San Giovanni Maggiore Pignatelli Tuesday 4 March
The famous Neapolitan Carnival will be held on Shrove Tuesday, and it's sort of dinner-show where you can taste the typical products of Neapolitan cuisine and attend a show of folk dance and entertainment.
Bourbon Carnival in Ercolano | Tuesday 4 March
Parade of allegorical wagons and procession through the streets of the town, starting from the main square where the various school groups and Institutes for the disabled will perform singing and folkloric performances.
Carnival parades in the province of Naples
Carnival in Palma Campania | from 2 to 4 March
Il Carnival Palmese has a centuries-old tradition and has a peculiarity that distinguishes it from all other carnivals in the world: the quadrille. Every year a Palma Campania, starting from January 17th, the day in which the Carnival celebrations begin with O 'Fucarone di Sant'Antuono, the Quadriglie, local carnival groups, begin to prepare for the musical competition that sees them in challenge since the XNUMXth century. Each Quadriglia, made up of two hundred participants, performs playing mainly typical Campania musical instruments, such as tamburrelle, putipù, triccaballacchi, scetavajasse and acciarini, accompanied by bands of percussionists and wind instruments. The actual exhibition, which begins the competition between the Quadrille, will be held on Fat Tuesday, the 4 March, with a colorful and engaging fashion show. These are the dates you should not miss:
- 2 March 2014 hours 15: 00
Quadrille Parade Hours 22: 00 Exhibition of various artists - 3 March 19 hours: 00
"Passo delle Quadrille" - Tuesday fat 4 March 15 hours: 00
Parade and performance, with the execution of the Canzonieri of the Quadriglie for the historical center - 9 March 2014 hours 10: 00-13: 00
Awarding with Palio at the winning Quadriglia
More information on the official website of the Carnival Palmese
Strianese Carnival | from 1 to 4 March
Il Striano Carnival it is one of the most important in Campania, but also in Italy. Now in its 31st edition, the Carnival Strianese will consist of four days of events, from the 1 March to the Fat Tuesday, the 4 March, among parades of allegorical carriages of papier-mâché, animated characters, inflatable rides and streamers that attract hundreds of participants and tourists every year who transform Striano into a "Citadel of Carnival", the only one present in Campania. The districts in which the parades will be held will be: "Arco", "Piazza", "Troccole" and "Saudone".
Savianese Carnival | from 1 to 4 March
From the 1979 in the municipality of Saviano a famous Carnival is held throughout the Campania region, especially in the Vesuvian area. The Savianese Carnival has a strong link with the farming traditions of the Nola area, and aims to safeguard popular memory. Here too, as in Palma Campania, the celebrations began on January 17 with O 'Fucarone and Sant'Antuono and will continue from February 22 with the presentation of allegorical wagons in various areas of the city. The culmination of the Savianese Carnival will be held 1 from March to 4, Between parades of wagons and masked groups, popular evenings, a huge Pizza Village on Shrove Tuesday and a closing party scheduled for 6 March.
To find out about the complete program, see the official website of the Savianese Carnival
Carnival parades in Campania
Agropoli Carnival | from 2 to 4 March
In the suggestive Cilentan village of Agropoli the 43rd edition of the Carnival will be held which will once again see allegorical floats parade through the streets of the city. In the previous days there will be games and parties for children and the highly anticipated Bullfight where participants will compete by performing in the numbers they want. The 4 MarchOn Shrove Tuesday, there will be a parade of allegorical floats that will start from Lungomare S. Marco, will travel along viale Risorgimento, via A. De Gasperi, via Piave, via Duca S. Felice, and will arrive in piazza V. Veneto.
To find out about the complete program, see the official website of the Carnival of Agropoli
Carnival of Cilento | from 2 to 4 March
A carnival parade that will involve the Cilento towns of Camerota, Centola, Palinuro and Marina di Camerota, among allegorical floats, attractions, games and inflatables for adults and children. Each municipality will have its own "theme" to inspire to dress up and dress up!
To find out about the complete program, see the official website of the Carnival of Cilento
Carnevale di Montemarano | from 1 to 4 March
It is one of the most famous carnivals in Campania and Italy, with a millenary tradition and which takes place at the rhythm of tarantella between the streets of this small village in the province of Avellino. The culmination of this Carnival will be touched 1 from March to 4, days in which they will be held tarantella lessons open to the public, tarantella challenges, parades of allegorical floats and shows in dialect. The 9 March, however, will be celebrated on "Dead Carnival", as per tradition on the Sunday following Ashes and which begins the period of Lent, where the funeral of the Carnival will be staged with a burlesque and mocking spirit, staging a canvas of village satire, masks dressed in mourning. In short, a "gem" of the Campania tradition not to be missed!
To find out about the complete program, see the official website of the Carnival of Montemarano