Casina Vanvitelliana, inauguration of the new bridge in the Fusaro complex

In Bacoli a beautiful novelty, the new bridge of the Casina Vanvitelliana, which joins the Parco del Fusaro to the marvelous Bourbon residence. Present the mayor of Bacoli, the mayor Josi Gerardo Della Ragione, the deputy mayor Marianna Illiano, the superintendent of archeology, fine arts and landscape of Naples Teresa Elena Fifty-four, the municipal councilor of Naples Salvatore Pezzella.

The mayor is enthusiastic and comments on how a historical event. The construction of the bridge, which is part of the larger project "Restoration and enhancement of the wooden bridge of the Vanvitellian complex ", it was in fact completed in six weeks, thanks to the support of the Metropolitan City of Naples.

The words of the mayor and the inauguration of the bridge

The inauguration of the bridge was celebrated with a big party in the park, with food stands, folk dances, and for this occasion the Ostrichina Palace was open to guests with contemporary art exhibitions The theater of the world, Astractura and Dadaist Summer 2022.

As the mayor explains, the old bridge was completely ruined and in fact the municipal administration necessarily had to close it. Now with the new structure, which he wants to represent the union between the people and the institutions, the structure will acquire its original value again, attracting tourists and citizens.

Here the words of the mayor:

The new bridge of the Casina Vanvitelliana that we are inaugurating is an important work for its cultural value. It is a bridge financed by the metropolitan city of Naples and which I believe was built in record time. The construction site started on June 14 and today we managed to inaugurate it. This shows that if there is the right combination between the administration and the technicians, and if the project is well followed by the bodies in charge, things can be done.

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