Poggioreale Cemetery, closure extended due to collapse

Poggioreale cemetery, collapse
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Il Poggioreale Cemetery, after the ugly collapse that involved a building inside, it is still closed to visitors.

The collapse took place at the beginning of January and initially the closure was arranged until January 19, but the new provisions of the judicial authority provide for the extension of this closure.

Currently a new date for the reopening has not been communicated, so it is not yet possible to visit loved ones.

The telephone number and emails for family assistance

A few days after the collapse, the following telephone number was activated to request assistance:

  • 0815516753;
  • is active from hour to hour 9.00 17.00.

Instead, the emails are as follows:

  • s.gioacchino1 @ libero.it for the Chapel of S. Gioacchino Sopramuro al Carmine 1;
  • arc.oratorioaloreto@libero.it for the White Chapel of the Doctors of S. Maria degli Angeli.

The collapse of the building

Recall that the covenants affected by the bad collapse were:

  • Benches of the doctors of Maria degli Angeli and St. John the Baptist of the discipline (Limoncello);
  • Immacolata Concezione and S. Giacchino on top of the wall at Carmine 1.

In total, 30% of these buildings were damaged and unfortunately many niches, tombs and tombstones were also damaged.

Cover source: Il Mattino

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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