Hello male on Rai 1, guests tonight and advances on April 8th

Nunzia De Girolamo, presenter Hello male

Hi Male, program led by Nunzia de Girolamo on Rai 1 in the late evening, is preparing for another exciting episode scheduled for Saturday April 8, following the popular show “The Masked Singerby Milly Carlucci. The show promises surprises and important guests, ready to tackle a delicate and important issue.

An episode focused on Forgiveness

Il format of “Ciao Maschio” aims to closely examine men who feel disoriented, at the same time questioning their own manhood. The aim is to explore the male universe, including relationships with the most important women in their lives. Saturday, April 8, the episode will focus on the theme of forgiveness, resulting in interesting and meaningful comparisons.

Guests in the studio: sports, television and cinema

The episode of "Ciao Maschio" will host a group of three extraordinary characters, each with a different and unique background. They will discuss the theme of forgiveness, the central element of the episode, and will offer intense emotions to those who will follow the program from home.

  • Adriano Panatta: a famous sportsman, former professional tennis player and winner of major tournaments, including Roland Garros. His career has made him a leading figure in the world of Italian sport.
  • Vincent Ferrera: Known for his role in the popular television series "Sea Outside”. His character, "Beppe", won the hearts of viewers and contributed to the success of the series.
  • Andrea Di Maria: a talented actor who has acted in several film and theater productions. His versatility has allowed him to play different characters, consolidating his fame in the world of entertainment.
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Written by Andrew Navarro
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