How the Patriarch ends, last episode summary. Charles dies

The Patriarch with Claudio Amendola

The tv series The Patriarch came to an end on the evening of 19 May 2023. On social media, no one was waiting for a such a gory ending and everyone looks forward to it the second season.

In the finale of the popular series "Il Patriarca", with Claudius Amendola, different narrative strands develop, leading to a dramatic epilogue full of twists and turns.

Financial crises and ransom demands

The episode opens with a crisis for Nemo Bandera, who discovers from the directors of his bank that he cannot withdraw more than 5000 euros, due to checks by the Guardia di Finanza. Nemo asks his trusted right-hand man, Mario, to keep the news secret. However, the situation gets worse when Freddy he asks Nemo for a ransom of 2 million euros.

Carl's murder

During the ransom exchange, a tragic situation occurs. Mario find Freddy, Enzo and Carlo, in a cave. When Mario free Carlo, the latter reacts violently, carrying Mario the lawyer to strangle him, unaware of being movie among the trees.

Going back home, Mario presents the body of Carlo to the family flag, causing upheaval and leading Serena to blame Nemo for what happened. Meanwhile, Freddy's van is intercepted by Monica, sister of Serena, who orders the killing of Enzo and asks Freddy to eliminate Nemo.

Revenge for Charles

Serena asks to Nemo to avenge Carlo during his funeral, while Elisa she discovers she doesn't have heart problems, revealing a deception perpetrated by Mario. Afterwards, Nemo confesses to Lara his disease and Lara saves hers life by shooting Freddy.

Changes and new Beginnings

The pregnancy of Nina leads to a change in Nemo's company. Nemo announces that Serena will take over at Deep Sea and asks Mario to support her.

While Monica reveals to Nemo that she will stay a Get the Funds!, a video of l arrives on Mario's phonehere killing Carlo, posted by Monterosso, creating a new e dangerous turn.

The rest will be seen in the second season of Il Patriarca, Here's the news on the second chapter!

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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