How is Sandro Ruotolo? He returns home after risking his life

half-length photo of sandro rotolo after his discharge from the hospital
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A happy return home for Sandro Ruotolo, the famous Neapolitan journalist (as well as former parliamentarian) who 12 days ago reported that he was hospitalized in intensive care following a bronchospasm.

What happened and how did he risk dying?

A sudden illness hit Sandro Ruotolo, who fortunately was able to contact the 118 health workers before he passed out. The ambulance reached him in 4 minutes and took him to the hospital where he was hospitalized and treated.

Sunday 23 October. A bronchospasm blocks my breathing. I call 118. The ambulance arrives in 4 minutes. I immediately lose consciousness. Red code. Sedated and intubated for two and a half days. And then the resuscitation in a Roman hospital, for all these days until the passage to the ward, which took place this afternoon. I publicly thank these women, these men, doctors, nurses of the public health service. Everyone, absolutely everyone, I thank them for their passion, professionalism and commitment. I know that many friends have prayed for me in the most dramatic moments. And I will thank them forever. I wanted to wait to get out of resuscitation before talking about it publicly. Long live the national health service of our country!

Sandro Ruotolo

What is a bronchospasm

Many are unaware that there are muscles around the bronchi and bronchioles, especially smooth muscles.
It can happen, for various reasons ranging from asthma, to bronchitis, to smoking even to strong stress, that these muscles contract, literally closing the airways.

Definitely a traumatic event for the patient, which can also prove fatal as it is physically difficult, if not impossible, to breathe in those moments.

The discharge and the first declarations

Sandro entrusts his words of thanks and relief for returning home in good health to a Facebook post. In particular, addressed to the public who supported him throughout his hospitalization and to the doctors who rescued him from death.

And I can tell you about it because I am alive and the national health service of our country saved my life. They caught me in time

Sandro Ruotolo
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Written by Andrew Navarro
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