Commemoration for the 220th anniversary of the assault on the Vigliena Fort in Naples

Commemorazioone Forte di Vigliena in Naples

At San Giovanni a Teduccio in Naples we are preparing for the ceremony commemorating the events of the 1799.

Thursday June 6 2019, at 9, the Civic Committee of San Giovanni a Teduccio he summons all the people of good will in the neighborhood and invites them to worthily clean up the place for the commemoration of sacrifice of the patriots of the 1799, which will take place the 13 June.

The fort was built at the beginning of the eighteenth century by order of the Spanish viceroy Juan Manuel Fernandes Pacheco, marquis of Villena. The aim was to defend the coast from attacks by enemy ships.

The fort of Vigliena is famous for the heroic resistance that a garrison of patriots, mostly young Calabrians, was able to oppose to the Sanfediste troops of the cardinal Ruffo on June 13, 1799. It was one of the extreme attempts to save the brave and desperate experiment of Neapolitan Republic.

In an extreme gesture the priest Antonio Toscano, who had resisted with the young Republicans, blew up the fort rather than surrender, also burying many of the Sanfedist besiegers.


Information on the commemoration of the assault on the Forte di Vigliena

Where: at the Forte di Vigliena, in San Giovanni a Teduccio, Naples

When: the 6 June 2019 meeting for cleaning the place; the 13 June 2019 commemoration

Hours: 9 June at 6; at 17 the 13 June

For info see the Facebook page . of the Civic Committee of San Giovanni a Teduccio

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