
Theatrical performances, exhibitions in museums, guided tours and all the places of interest in Naples to know what our artistic and cultural heritage offers.

The latest updates
Biagio Izzo e Peppe Barra al Teatro Augusteo in "Come un Cenerentolo"

Biagio Izzo and Peppe Barra at the Augusteo Theater in "Come un Cenerentolo"

February 20 2014

Biagio Izzo e Peppe Barra al Teatro Augusteo in “Come un Cenerentolo”

Biagio Izzo and Peppe Barra at the Augusteo Theater in "Come un Cenerentolo"

February 20 2014

“Il servitore di due padroni” al Teatro Bellini: la Commedia dell’Arte secondo Latella [Recensione]
Theater Performances Reviews

"The servant of two masters" at the Bellini Theater: the Commedia dell'Arte according to Latella [Review]

February 19 2014

"Il servitore di due padroni" al Teatro Bellini: la Commedia dell'Arte secondo Latella [Recensione]
Theater Performances Reviews

"The servant of two masters" at the Bellini Theater: the Commedia dell'Arte according to Latella [Review]

February 19 2014

"Passaggio Segreto" in scena al teatro Piccolo Bellini di Napoli

"Secret Passage" on stage at the Piccolo Bellini theater in Naples

February 19 2014

“Passaggio Segreto” in scena al teatro Piccolo Bellini di Napoli

"Secret Passage" staged at the Piccolo Bellini theater in Naples

February 19 2014

"Itis Galileo" di Marco Paolini in scena al Teatro Nuovo di Napoli

"Itis Galileo" by Marco Paolini on stage at the Teatro Nuovo in Naples

February 17 2014

“Itis Galileo” di Marco Paolini in scena al Teatro Nuovo di Napoli

"Itis Galileo" by Marco Paolini on stage at the Teatro Nuovo in Naples

February 17 2014

Giobbe Covatta in scena al Teatro Troisi di Napoli con "6 Gradi"

Giobbe Covatta on stage at the Troisi Theater in Naples with "6 Gradi"

February 17 2014

Giobbe Covatta in scena al Teatro Troisi di Napoli con “6 Gradi”

Job Covatta at the Teatro Troisi in Naples with "6 Gradi"

February 17 2014

"Il servitore di due padroni" di Antonio Latella al Teatro Bellini

"The servant of two masters" by Antonio Latella at the Bellini Theater

February 14 2014

“Il servitore di due padroni” di Antonio Latella al Teatro Bellini

“The servant of two masters” by Antonio Latella at the Bellini Theater

February 14 2014