Domenica In, previews and guests of Venier on 16 April 2023

Sunday in with Mara Venier

A new episode of is scheduled for Sunday, April 16, 2023 Sunday In, the afternoon variety show on Rai 1 conducted by Mara Venier.

A festive afternoon full of guests and themes designed to entertain the public who choose to spend Sunday in the company of Mara Venier and its program, ideal for spending the seventh day of the week with the family, dedicated to rest after hard work.

Meeting with Piera Maggio on the disappearance of Denise Pipitone

The event opens with an interview with Peter May, mother of Denise Pipitone, disappeared in 2004 in Mazara del Vallo.

Piera Maggio is recently returned to the media spotlight after asking for a meeting with the premier Giorgia Meloni through social media, with the intent of talking mom to mom.
During the interview, the events will be deepened related to the child's disappearance and the actions taken by Piera Maggio over the years to find her daughter.

Exclusive interview with Elisabetta Gregoraci and her father Mario

The program continues with a long and exclusive interview with Elisabetta Gregoraci, showgirl and TV presenter, who will be in the studio with his father Mario for a meeting in the name of familiarity and the novelties of his professional and personal life.
We will talk about her future projects and the special bond that unites her with her father.

Comic moment with the protagonists of the Derby and memories of the past

To follow, a comical moment entitled "And company“, with the protagonists of the famous Milanese venue Derby, which has launched some of the greatest Italian comedians.

Cochi and Renato will be present in the studio, Teo Teocoli, Massimo Boldi, Enrico Beruschi and Paolo Jannacci, son of the great Enzo Jannacci. During the broadcast, some of the most hilarious and memorable moments of their career will be retraced, with anecdotes and sketches that have made the history of Italian comedy.

Rocco Hunt and his new song against keyboard lions

For the musical part, the Neapolitan singer-songwriter Rocco Hunt will perform his new song "Non quartiamo più", dedicated to keyboard lions that populate the web and generate controversy and conflict.
During his presence in the studio, Rocco Hunt will talk about the message he wants to convey with his music and his future projects.

A chat with Stefania Pezzopane and the end of her relationship

Finally, a long chat with Stephanie Pezzopane, exponent of the Democratic Party, which has been discussed in recent days due to a post on social media in which he announced the end of his relationship with Simone Coccia Colaiuta, former Big Brother contestant, model and stripper.

During the interview, Stefania will talk about the reasons that led her to publicly share the end of her love story, and aspects of her political and personal life will be explored.

Where to see Mara Venier and Domenica In

Don't miss an appointment with Sunday In of 16 April 2023, live and conducted by Mara Venier starting from 14 pm on Rai1 e on RaiPlay.

At the end of the episode it will also be available on RaiPlay at broadcast page.

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Written by Gennaro Marchesi
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