Sundays in Dimora 2020 in Naples and Campania: extraordinary openings

Sundays at home 2020
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Historic houses 2020 is the ambitious project for the enhancement of ancient villas and farms in Naples and Campania: centuries of history to be rediscovered while walking.

In compliance with the decree against the Coronavirus emergency, the events are suspended until further notice.


The initiative Historic Houses 2020 it will unfold throughout the winter until the heart of spring, every last Sunday of the month from January to April 2020.

The itinerary will touch all the provinces of Campania and are scheduled special discounts for owners of Artecard.

Sundays In a mansion between Palaces, Villas and Gardens

The objective of the itinerary organized by SCABEC and the Italian Historic Houses Association is to discover and rediscover the treasures hidden in the largest urban centers of Campania, through a series of guided tours.

The various itineraries will not only include historic villas and buildings, but also ancient factories, towers, farms and sometimes ancient castles of equally ancient Campania families.

Dwelling Sunday program 2020

January 26 - Naples and its Province

Palazzo Ricca (via Tribunali, headquarters of the Banco di Napoli Historical Archive)
Albertini Palace of the Princes of Cimitile (Santa Teresa degli Scalzi)
Palazzo Donn'Anna (Posillipo)
Sergio Ragni House Museum
Villa Belvedere (Via Aniello Falcone)
Villa Tufarelli (San Giorgio a Cremano)
Masseria Astapiana Villa Giusso (Vico Equense)
Niglio Jardiccio Palace (Frattamaggiore)
Palazzo Nucci (Cicciano)

February 23 - Caserta and Province

First Path
Church of SS Annunziata, Lombard churches and Sala D'Armi (Capua)
Palazzo Lanza
Pasca farms in Magliano

Second Route - Sessa Aurunca
Roman Theatre
Palace of Transo

29 March - Salerno and its Province

First Path
Taverna Penta, Filippo Morese Farm (Pontecagnano)
Domus Laeta (June)

Second Path
Borgo Riccio (Torchiara)
Torre Volpe (Melito of Prignano Cilento)

Third path
Historic Center of Teggiano
Castello Macchiaroli

April 26 - Province of Avellino and Benevento

First Path
Villa De Claro Filangieri (Livardi)
Ancelotti Castle (Lauro)
Villa Pandola Sanfelice (Lauro)

Second Path
Castle Pignatelli della Leonessa (Partenio)
Ducal Palace Pignatelli della Leonessa
Marquis Caracciolo Palace (Santeramo)

Third path
Historic center of Sant'Agata dei Goti
Rainone Palace - Mustilli
Mustilli Palace

Information on Domeniche in Dimora 2020

Where: Naples, Caserta, Avellino and Benevento


  • January 26 - Naples
  • February 23 - Caserta
  • March 29 - Salerno
  • April 26 - Avellino and Benevento


  • Single ticket 5 Euro (with possible tasting included)
  • Subscription for all visits: 10 Euros (with possible tasting included)
  • Free for children up to 18 years old
  • Reduced for Campania holders Artecard: 3 Euros single visit, 7 Euros subscription

Hours: mainly in the morning, consult the full program

Information, reservations and full program: Official site 

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