Where are the NATO bases in Italy and the nuclear arsenals

NATO flag

These days, as we now well know, it is underway a war between Russia and Ukraine due to the invasion by the Russians of the Ukrainian territory and which is already causing a lot of damage in the country as well as deaths and persecuted.

Simplifying the question a lot, we can say that one of the most important reasons that pushed Russi to act militarily against Ukraine was the intention of this country to join NATO. A prospect that for the Russians is absolutely not acceptable.

We do not know how this situation will continue and we will see it gradually in the coming weeks, but at the moment everyone the countries that have joined NATO are on high alert.

But what what is NATO? IS what are the basics which are found in Italy and Campania?

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Born is a 'international organization of which at the moment they are part 30 countries around the world and was established in 1949 with the Atlantic Pact.

It is an international organization for the collaboration in the defense sector, but in addition to military cooperation, it is also based on the political cooperation of its member countries.

NATO's aim is to ensure the security of its member countries, as well as their freedom, through both political and military means. The alliance between them created a deep bond between Europe and North America, the two continents main protagonists of this cooperation, which allows them to protect peoples, face new and old threats and build peace and stability.

Does not exist, however, a real NATO army and in the territories of all its member countries there are various bases and commands which depend on its military structure.

What is a NATO base

It is a military base which houses NATO soldiers and material and enjoys extraterritoriality, that is, it means that it is not subject to the legal powers of the state in which it is located.
And naturally surrounded by secret and it cannot be accessed freely.

Generally, according to their functions, NATO bases are used for welcome military forces, but also to redistribute them. Within them they take place military trainings, but also various other types of operations, such as those of espionage or testing of secret equipment.

What are the bases Born in Italy

All over the country they are 120 the NATO bases officially declared, but it is assumed that there are at least 20 US military or residential bases covered by secrecy and of which we have no official information.

The most important is that of Sigonella, in the Plain of Catania, where there is the great airport of the US Navy in the Mediterranean.

Then there are:

  • Gaeta: port hosting the flagship and command of the XNUMXth fleet
  • Ghedi Tower: storage of nuclear bombs
  • Camp Darby: storage of ammunition and bombs
  • Aviano: the largest American air base in the Mediterranean
  • Vicenza: US Army command for Southern Europe
  • The Magdalene: command of the 22nd nuclear submarine squadron

The bases Born in Campania

Instead, in our Region there should be the following NATO bases:

  • Port of Napoil: Command of the Marine Security Force, US submarine base, US Air Force Command for the Mediterranean. Port generally used by US civilian and military units
  • Naples Capodichino Airport (Naples) - Usaf Air Base
  • Nisida (Naples) - Us Army Base
  • Agnano (Naples) - US Army base
  • Giugliano (Naples) - Statcom Command
  • grazzanise (Caserta) - Usaf occasional base
  • Mondragone (Caserta) - US and NATO underground anti-atomic command center where US and NATO commands would be moved in case of war
  • Gricignano d'Aversa (Caserta) - a real American citadel and the military live there with their families
Base Born in Gricignano
Baso Born in Gricignano. Photo source: Wikipedia.

Nuclear arsenals in Italy

Our country does not possess nuclear weapons nor does it produce them, but in our territory there would be a few dozen nuclear warheads.

This is because, although it has never produced or owned any titles, Italy in any case participates in the NATO nuclear program. According to this agreement, we would have approx 70 nuclear warheads in the military air bases of Aviano, in the province of Pordenone, e by Ghedi, in the province of Brescia.

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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