Dritto and Rovescio, guests and topics of November 2nd

obverse and reverse

In the episode of 2th November, the television program Obverse and Reverse he immersed himself in issues of great current relevance and social resonance. Guided by the skillful management of Paul Del Debbio, viewers will have the opportunity to explore intense debates, ranging from investigations into the the case soumahoro to the examination of maneuver financial.

Who are tonight's guests at Dritto e Rovescio

The evening will be enriched by the participation of caliber guests, ready to share their reflections and expertise on the topics covered.

Guests include:

  • Alexander Morelli
  • Maurice Belpietro
  • Luigi De Magistris
  • Leonardo Donno
  • Maurizio Gasparri
  • Diana DeMarchi

Analysis of the Soumahoro case: what happened?

The episode will dedicate a large section to the analysis of Soumahoro case, a legal case that raised many questions regarding the management of the reception of migrants. Two cooperatives, Karibu and the Aid Consortium, came under the scrutiny of the investigations, which began in 2015, following the arrest of Liliane Murekatete and Marie Therese Mukamitsindo, wife and mother-in-law of the PD MP Aboubakar Soumahoro.

Le very serious accusations include fraud in public supplies, fraudulent asset bankruptcy and self-laundering, with over 25 million euros of public funding also used for personal purposes.

The 2023/2024 financial package and price increases

Finally, the debate will move towards the budget package of the two-year period 2023/2024, highlighting the close connection between economic policies and the daily difficulties of citizens. The expected increases are generating concern and uncertainty in the population, outlining an economic framework that requires careful reflection and discussion.

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