It's always CartaBianca, previews of tonight 21 November

bianca berlinguer
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Tuesday evening at 21pm ​​on Rete25, come back "It's always Cartabianca“, the in-depth program conducted by bianca berlinguer.

This episode will immerse itself in burning issues, from social current affairs to politics, with the usual critical and analytical commitment.

The femicide of Giulia Cecchetin

At the beginning, a focus on the painful case of Giulia Cecchetin, a further victim in the long list of feminicides in Italy. Over one hundred women lost their lives in similar circumstances this year and now the focus is on the extradition of Filippo Turetta, the ex-boyfriend and main suspect.

The tragedy raises urgent questions on how to strengthen the fight against gender violence and on the importance of educating young people about mutual respect and affection.

The new security package of the Meloni Government

The analysis of the recent follows security package introduced by the Meloni Government. This new legislation aims to strengthen penalties for a variety of crimes, from illegal occupations to road blocks, up to fraud against the elderly.

This is a response to growing concerns about public security, but which does not fail to raise debates and controversies.

The War in the Middle East: prospects and duration

In closing, the focus shifts to the Middle East. The program offers in-depth analysis on the war in Gaza, wondering about his possible duration. Military affairs experts suggest that the conflict it could extend for at least another year, opening up complex scenarios and questions about the future of the region.

Who are tonight's guests at È semper Carta Bianca?

The classics will discuss the most current issues of the week and discuss the various points of view guests of Bianca Berlinguer.

  • The inevitable Mauro Corona, now a regular guest to whom viewers have become very fond and who will have the delicate task of opening the program with a careful discussion with Berlinguer.
  • Andrea Scanzi, Journalist
  • Annalisa Chirico, Free
  • Concita De Gregorio, The Republic
  • Francesca Barra, Journalist.

The participation of Orsini, controversial figure, professor of Sociology of international terrorism who two weeks ago declared that he would not participate in the broadcast, but he already returned last week so it is likely that he will also be present this evening.

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