Free health and prevention

All the free events in Naples on health and prevention in the Campania region.

The latest updates
Covid a scuola, le nuove regole per la quarantena e la gestione dei contagi

Covid at school, the new rules for quarantine and management of infections

November 09, 2021

Obbligo di mascherina in Campania, prorogato fino a dicembre

Obligation to wear a mask in Campania, extended until December

November 02, 2021

Super Green Pass obbligatorio sul posto di lavoro: ecco regole e multe

Mandatory Super Green Pass in the workplace: here are rules and fines

October 15, 2021

Vaccino antinfluenzale in Campania, come riceverlo dal medico e in farmacia
Free health and prevention

Influenza vaccine in Campania, how to receive it from the doctor and in the pharmacy

October 14, 2021

Terza dose agli over 60 e ai fragili: si parte con le dosi booster

Third dose for over 60s and the frail: we start with the booster doses

October 09, 2021

Terza dose di vaccino Asl Napoli 1 Centro per over 80 senza prenotazione

Third dose of vaccine Asl Napoli 1 Centro for over 80 without reservation

30 September 2021

Terza dose di vaccino Asl Napoli 2 per over 80 senza prenotazione

Third dose of Napoli 2 ASL vaccine for over 80 without reservation

29 September 2021

Fertility Day a Napoli con visite mediche gratuite per tutelare la fertilità

Fertility Day in Naples with free medical visits to protect fertility

22 September 2021

At the CG RUESCH Spa nursing home

In Campania arriva lo psicologo di base: si prosegue con la legge regionale

The basic psychologist arrives in Campania: it continues with the regional law

19 September 2021

Green Pass, durata di 72 ore  per i tamponi molecolari

Green Pass, 72 hours duration for molecular swabs

17 September 2021

Vaccini anti-Covid, ok alla terza dose in Italia

Anti-Covid vaccines, ok at the third dose in Italy

09 September 2021

Green Pass in Campania a scuola e sui trasporti: cosa cambia dal 1° settembre

Green Pass in Campania at school and on transport: what changes from 1 September

August 25 2021