Free health and prevention

All the free events in Naples on health and prevention in the Campania region.

The latest updates
Green Pass in ristoranti e bar in Campania: parte l’obbligo

Green Pass in restaurants and bars in Campania: the obligation starts

August 05 2021

Green Pass in Campania, obbligatorio anche nei musei
Free health and prevention

Green Pass in Campania, mandatory also in museums

August 02 2021

Mascherine obbligatorie in Campania: prorogata l’ordinanza di De Luca

Obligatory masks in Campania: De Luca's ordinance extended

August 02 2021

Open Day Asl Napoli 2 Nord: Pfizer e Moderna senza prenotazione

Open Day Asl Napoli 2 Nord: Pfizer and Moderna without reservation

July 27 2021

Green Pass falso: ecco come riconoscere l’originale

Fake Green Pass: here's how to recognize the original

July 27 2021

Green Pass, via libera in Ospedale per far visita e assistere parenti

Green Pass, green light in the hospital to visit and assist relatives

July 26 2021

Cos’è e come scaricare il Green Pass in Campania

What is it and how to download the Green Pass in Campania

July 24 2021

Green pass obbligatorio in Italia dal 6 agosto: ecco dove serve

Mandatory green pass in Italy from 6 August: this is where you need it

July 23 2021

Vaccini anti-COVID: funzionano sulla variante Delta? Facciamo il punto

COVID vaccines: do they work on the Delta variant? Let's take stock

July 21 2021

Covid, rapporto ISS: efficacia vaccini al 90% ma cala l’età media

Covid, ISS report: vaccine efficacy at 90% but the average age decreases

July 20 2021

Open Day Pfizer e Moderna all’Asl Napoli 2 senza prenotazione
Free health and prevention

Pfizer and Moderna Open Day at ASL Napoli 2 without reservation

July 20 2021

Vaccini in Campania, De Luca: o si vaccinano tutti o è lockdown!

Vaccines in Campania, De Luca: either everyone gets vaccinated or it's lockdown!

July 19 2021