Did Fedez and Luis Sal have a fight? Here's what's happening


Is there an ongoing dispute between Fedez and his friend Luis Sal? From two episodes, lo YouTuber Luis Sal no longer shows up to host the podcast "Wild Moss", alongside conductor Fedez. This situation gave birth to the suspected that between the two there is a dispute in progress.

Despite the absence of Luis Sal has been noted, both conductors have not given explanations on reason. This further fueled the rumors about the dispute between the two.

The web recalls that Fedez has already experienced difficult moments in friendship. In the past he had disagreements with some of his friends and collaborators, such as Fabio Rovazzi and J-Ax for reasons never specified or confirmed by the rapper. Could something also have happened with Luis Sal himself? There are no official confirmations.

The editorial staff of Napolike reported the news released by gossipetv.com and highlights that there is no official confirmation on this dispute.
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Written by Andrew Navarro
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