Fiorello returns to RAI 1 with a new program: Viva Asiago 10

Photo of Fiorello half-length with arms outstretched

Dopo l’ultimo Festival di Sanremo insieme ad Amadeus Fiorello torna in Tv con una nuova trasmissione su Rai1 che allieterà le mattine dei telespettatori

To keep company with the morning audience of Rai1 he will think about it Fiorello with a new program that will be called Long live Asiago 10!. The showman will say good morning to the Italians as he did when he was leading Flower newsstand then commenting on the first news of the day with the usual irony, sympathy and lightness that distinguish him.

Quando inizia Viva Asiago 10, il morning show di Fiorello su Rai1?

The morning show is expected to start on November 28 on Rai1 and not only that: it will also be broadcast on Radio2 and streaming up RaiPlay. But first, from 7 November, a first part of running in will be done Waiting for Viva Asiago 10! on the web platform.

The program will be called Long live Asiago 10!, because it will be broadcast from the homonymous street, headquarters of Rai Radio in Rome and precisely from the transparent box, the "glass studio", just outside the historic radio station. Among other things in this location Fiorello already aired before Festival of Sanremo of 2020 led by the inseparable friend and colleague Amadeus.

According to the latest rumors because, apparently, the official signature is still missing, Viva Asiago 10! would be broadcast after Tg1 at 7 am. From 7:10 am to 8:00 am with a short interlude to allow a few minutes' flash edition of the news program directed by Monica Maggioni. The morning show of the Sicilian conductor will be taken care of in every detail by Claudius Fasulo and then from the prime time entertainment direction.

If, as already promised, the broadcast should go well, recording good ratings and the satisfaction of the small screen and radio audience, then there is talk of a long broadcast until May next year. Therefore, only official confirmation is awaited from Rai Spa.

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Image credits: Profilo Instagram Rosario Fiorello (@fiorellofans)
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Written by Federica Massari
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