Foja in a free concert in Monterusciello: in the square with their hit songs

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The free concert of the Foja in the square in Monterusciello, fraction of Pozzuoli, with the best tracks of their career!

Update: the concert is postponed to the 27 August.


IlAugust 3th August 16th August 27th, 2018 i Foja I am in free concert a Monterusciello, a fraction of Pozzuoli, to entertain their fans with their historical pieces and the most recent ones, including the winning piece by David di Donatello. The band has chosen as a location Piazza Severini and from there will play the songs of their three albums, including surely also 'O sciore e' o viento, the first song to have had great success.

The Foja have been on the Neapolitan music scene for several years and over time have become more and more established, thanks to their talent and their ability to achieve rock songs in Neapolitan dialect. Furthermore, they were the first band a play in electric at the Teatro San Carlo and, as mentioned, they won the David di Donatello 2018 with the song "To whom you belong“, Which is part of the soundtrack of the film La Gatta Cenerontola, of which the frontman Dario Sansone is one of the directors.

The free concert will be a good opportunity to listen to them live.

Information on the Foja concert

When: 3 16 August 27th, 2018

Where: Piazza Severini, Monterusciello - Pozzuoli

Timetable: 21.30

Price: free

Contacts: Facebook event

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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