The Naples Theater reopens with shows at the Mercadante and San Ferdinando

drug dealer show
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A truly rich program that of the Naples Theater which reopens to the public with shows at the Mercadante and San Ferdinando!

Finally also the Naples Theater reopens to the public in attendance, and does so with a really rich program of shows at Mercadante and San Ferdinando.

Obviously, in this period of closure forced by Covid, the Naples Theater has not blocked its activities, but on the contrary, it has offered citizens various shows to be followed online and has put in place many projects.

The reopening will take place with the staging of the show dealer but there are other shows and lots of news on the program.


Here are some of the scheduled shows and projects of the Naples Theater.

From 12 to 23 May 2021

At the Mercadante Theater on stage from 12 to 23 May, every day at 19:00 and on Thursdays and Sundays at 18:00, the dealer a drama written by Andrej Longo and Pierpaolo Sepe with the direction of Pierpaolo Sepe. An engaging show that sees the two protagonists at the center of the scene, a student and the drug dealer who live a love story.

May 26, 2021

In collaboration with Campania Teatro Festival the show The Naked Life of the director and actor Alfonso Postiglione who made it inspired by the short stories of the great Luigi Pirandello.

12 and 13 June 

Also in collaboration with the Campania Teatro Festival review the 12 and 13 June in the courtyard of the Royal Palace in Capodimonte will go on stage The death of the girl by Ariel Dorfman with the direction of Elio De Capitani.

The 12 June in Landscape Garden of Porta Miano in Capodimonte lo spettacolo Where is the victory directed by Giuseppe Maria Martino.

18 and 19 June 

At the Casino della Regina in Capodimonte the Blumunn show by Marina Confalone and directed by Francesco Zecca.

The other projects

Among the special projects there will be Per Aspera ad Astra. How to reconfigure the prison through culture and beauty, a project that aims to promote cultural initiatives within prisons and in particular the Naples Theater will be at the Nisida prison with two shows: Puteca Celidonia and Manovalenza teatro.

For May the San Ferdinando Theater will host activities within the project You can! funded by the Social Enterprise With Children.

Furthermore from 25 June to 25 July the event will take place Pompeii Theatrum Mundi made in collaboration with the Archaeological Park of Pompeii and Campania Teatro Festival. Among the scheduled shows: Resurrexit Cassandra, Purgatory The night washes the mind, La Cerisaie and many others. You can already buy tickets at the beginning of May.


For the Drug dealer at the Mercadante Theater tickets are already on sale on site of the Naples Theater and from 11 May they will also be available for purchase at the ticket office of Mercadante in Town Hall Square.

For shows related to the event Pompeii Theatrum Mundi Tickets will be available from 7 May online and from Tuesday 11 May also at the ticket office of the Mercadante Theater.

Information on Teatro di Napoli

When: from 12 May

Where: Mercadante Theater and San Ferdinando Theater, consult the program

Hours: every day at 19:00, Thursday and Sunday 18:00

Price: full 14 euros, reduced 10 euros

Contacts: official site | 338.2838931 | ticket office @ | for tickets visit place

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