The Social State at the Feltrinelli in Naples: the overwhelming band will sign copies of the album

The Social State
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The firm of La Stato Sociale at the Feltrinelli in Naples: the band that made everyone dance in Sanremo arrives!

The Social State, after the success at Sanremo, will be guests of the Feltrinelli of Naples 20 February 2018 to meet their fans and talk about their projects. The meeting, of course, will be ad free entry.

The group, who finished second at this year's Festival, amused the audience with the song "A life on vacation“, A song with an overwhelming rhythm and current themes, accompanied by an ooriginal choreography in which one dancer of 86 years he was circling on the stage.

The new album of Lo Stato Sociale is titled Primati and will be presented to Feltrinelli. Those who buy the CD at one of the Feltrinelli stores in Piazza Piazza dei Martiri or in Piazza Garibaldi will have the right to access the firmacopie and receive, therefore, a autograph from the band. For each CD purchased you are entitled to a pass, but these will be distributed while stocks last.

Information on The Social State at Feltrinelli

When: 20 February 2018

Where: Feltrinelli, via Santa Caterina in Chiaia, 23 ang. Piazza dei Martiri

Schedule: by 18.00

Price: free admission

Info: Facebook event

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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