FFP2 masks: what to check to choose them safely

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Le masks FFP2 they are replacing the normal surgical ones to counteract the variant Omicron which has a high transmissibility. We have already talked about the new decree in which there are the places where it already appears compulsory wear masks FFP2 and where the basic surgical procedures that will not be enough to stop the infection will be prohibited.

But how to choose FFP2 masks? It is very easy to come across non-compliant / licensed templates, so we thought we'd write one little guide to verify that the FFP2 mask you are about to purchase is really safe.

What must be present on the FFP2 masks

CE mark

affixed to both the mask and the outer packaging.

4-digit number of the institution

next to or below the CE mark which would be the identification number of the certifying body.

Other info that must be present

Code EN 149: 2001 A1: 2009:
They are regulations that define the rules for the production of these masks

You may also find

  • KN95: Chinese certified masks
  • N95: masks with American certification

In both cases, in order to be distributed in Italy these masks must respect the previous points (1,2,3).

But that's not enough. Because it could be false information.

Rare cases: some masks without CE authorized by INAIL

There may still be masks around without the CE mark. At that point it must be checked that the mask is present on the list of personal protective equipment authorized by INAIL. Confirming, therefore, full compliance with the technical and production standards necessary for this type of mask.  

It being understood that these masks were authorized in the first wave of COVID to deal with the health emergency of the time but that in June 2021 they should have obtained the CE mark. Undoubtedly, however, such masks are more difficult to control by a non-professional person.

How to verify the certification body

How to identify the certifying body

The certification body is identified by the 4-digit number after the CE symbol. It must be recognized and approved by the European community for the issue of the CE certificate for this type of mask.

How to verify that the institution is certified

Through our "NANDO" database (New Approach Notified and Designated Organizations). Then go to the “Body” section and search for the numeric range of your 4 digits. You will then get the list of institutions where you will have to look for the exact 4 digits. Finally, you will be able to access the profile of the institution.

Quick search on NANDO

Or you can entrust to quick search always on NANDO. Here it will be possible to fill in the first field "Keyword On Notified body number" with the 4-digit corporate identity number. In this way you will immediately get the card of the reference institution, if any.

How to verify that the entity is authorized to issue
for CE certificates

Once you get to the institution's card, through the NANDO database as explained in the previous point, in the section "legislation"It must be specified that the entity is authorized to issue the following certificate, or through this sentence: "Regulation (EU) 2016/425 Personal protective equipment" indicating that I am authorized for certification for personal protective equipment (category to which FFP2 belongs).

Check the site or distributor you are purchasing from

The foregoing may be valid only and exclusively if the FFP2 purchases take place on:

  • Safe and reliable websites
  • Safe and reliable physical stores

Since we cannot exclude the presence of fake masks, especially online.

Let's recap

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Written by Andrew Navarro
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