Metro line 2, extraordinary trains for the Napoli-Juventus match of 13 January 2023

Friday January 13 2023 match is scheduled Napoli-Juventus, eagerly awaited Serie A match between the first and second in the standings. For the occasion, the line 2 underground trains will make extraordinary runs to facilitate the return of fans and limit traffic at the end of the match at the Diego Armando Maradona Stadium.
The game starts at 20.45 and the extraordinary trains will be there from 23.10 with 4 races in the direction of Gianturco and 1 race in the direction of Pozzuoli.
The decision is made by Trenitalia, which includes line 2, following a request from the Campania Region.
Piazza Leopardi station remains closed
La Piazza Leopardi station will be closed to the public as early as 22.30pm, therefore the trains will be taken at the Campi Flegrei station which is located in Piazzale Tecchio.
Buy your ticket in advance
Travelers are advised to buy your ticket in advance, even before the start of the match, in order not to form queues and gatherings on the station platforms.