Monuments in Naples, hypothesis involving private individuals for the redevelopment of the sites

Maschio Angioino
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Il mayor of Naples Gaetano Manfredi is thinking of solutions for improve the state of some of the iconic monuments of our city in order to relaunch them and make them even more attractive not only for citizens, but also for tourism.

In an interview with Il Mattino, the mayor proposed to invest in our monuments of incredible historical and cultural value and to do so by trying to also involve private actors.

It would be one real revolution for Naples and would give new dignity and an even more consolidated identity to the monumental sites.

The new policy in the field: starting with the restoration

Manfredi, first of all, focused attention on need to restore. In fact, the first step to take is the redevelopment of the sites.

First of all, we are thinking about relaunching three key sites:

  • the Maschio Angioino;
  • the Castel dell'Ovo;
  • the Pan, Palace of the Arts of Naples.
Castle of the Egg

Without proper restoration and improvement of these sites it would be difficult attract private partners who collaborate in management. Retraining and relaunching them would give them a whole other aspect and definitely give them that dignity they deserve.

Improve the budget of the sites

The three sites mentioned, Castel dell'Ovo, Maschio Angioino and Pan, could greatly improve theirs enter even just by better managing the ticketing.

Currently, the receipts due to detached tickets could be optimized, for example they should limit the many entries made without making tickets. It also means investing in a different way in these structures, separating these investments from the budget of the Municipality.

And this is where private individuals would come into play.

The collaboration of private subjects

Instead of to pass everything through the municipal budget, where the priorities are often other than those of relaunching art places, the support of private individuals should be sought.

Manfredi's idea is that of a public-private partnership where the public does not lose ownership of the art sites, but the private is in co-participation. In this way sponsors should also come into play.

All this, which at the moment is only hypothetically, let us remember, should then pass for a gang. An action of this type, in fact, must follow the legislative ways that precisely provide for the announcement of a ban.

But how to attract sponsors and individuals? First the sites must be made functional, efficient ed welcoming: they must therefore be restored, as mentioned.

Pan in Naples

The case of the Maschio Angioino

If we take for example the Maschio Angioino, a beautiful place rich in history, culture, collections and rooms to visit, we sadly note that in much of it is closed to the public. This is precisely because restoration projects are lacking. Or rather, i there are projects, but languish because of the lack of funds.

A way must therefore be found to attract funds and manage them wisely.

The projects for the Maschio Angioino and the Castel dell'Ovo

There are also new and recent projects by the Municipality for the revitalization of these monuments, at the moment even these are difficult to implement.

The city council has signed two resolutions last December 30 for the following feasibility projects:

  • the first is from 4,5 million euro for the restoration and enhancement of the Maschio Angioino;
  • the second is worth almost double, 8 million euro, for the technical and economic feasibility project for the redevelopment of the Castel dell'Ovo.

We will see if the hypothesis of the involvement of private subjects will become reality. At the moment it is about ideas, but the mayor seems willing to take this one forward political and cultural revolution.

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Written by Fabiana Bianchi
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