Exhibition on the Byzantines at the Mann in Naples: over 400 works on the Millennial Empire


At the MANN, the National Archaeological Museum of Naples, comes a special exhibition that will surely captivate the public. We are talking about Byzantines places, symbols and communities of a millennial empire.

The great exhibition will be open to the museum from 21 December 2022 to 13 February 2023 and will be curated by Federico Marazzi. There will be fifteen sections that will unfold following the historical phases following the Western Roman Empire, with particular attention to the city of Napoli, Byzantine city for six centuries.

The works on display

Forty years after the last exhibition in Italy, a great exhibition that tells the story is back fascinating but also complex of the Byzantine Empire. The Salone della Meridiana of the museum will host much more 400 works deriving from collections of the MANN and from loans granted by 57 of the main museums and institutions which keep, both in Italy and in Greece, Byzantine material.

In particular, it is about 33 Italian Institutes, 22 Greek Museums, the Vatican Museums and the Fabbrica di San Pietro. There will also be some on display truly exclusive pieces found during the excavations for the construction of the Thessaloniki underground and in the excavations of the Naples underground line 1.

They will be exhibited sculptures, mosaics, frescoes, instrumentum domesticum, seals, coins, ceramics, enamels, silver furnishings, jewelery and architectural elements and much more.

Contacts and Information

MANN official website - Facebook page

  • Where: National Archaeological Museum of Naples
  • When: from Wednesday 21 December 2022 to Monday 13 February 2023, from 09:00 to 19:30
  • Closed on days:
    • Tuesday
  • Prezzi:
    • Full ticket: 18 €
    • Reduced ticket (young people 18-25): €2
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