Mother Museum of Naples, exhibits by Stephen Prina and Wade Guyton

Two interesting ones at the Madre Museum in Naples by contemporary art artists Stephen Prina and Wade Guyton.
From May to October 2017 iThe Mother Museum of Naples will host two interesting exhibitions: "English for Foreigners"By artist Stephen Prina and"We arrived"Of the artist Wade Guyton.
English for Foreigners - Stephen Prina
The exhibition will be open from May 15 to 16 October 2017. The artist Prina, through the exhibition and using different artistic expressions such as painting, sculpture, engraving, photography, video, sound and performative actions tells the story of his family emigrated to America during fascism.
His personal story is very similar to that of many other emigrants and for this he takes one universal value. In this time travel Prina also explores the relationship between father and son.
We have arrived - Wade Guyton
The exhibition will be open to visitors from 15 May until 11 September 2017. The artist Guyton, through the use of inkjet printers, reproduces on canvas or other types of support a series of images, signs or recurring motifs previously processed by programs such as Photoshop or Word.
The works displayed in this exhibition are the fruit born of his stay in Naples for research reasons and could be considered as aallegory ofinter and hyper-connection digital and global contemporary, comparing it with the history of a city like our post at the center of the Mediterranean which has various social, economic, political and cultural aspects.
Information on exhibitions at the Madre Museum
- English for foreigners: 15 from May to October 16 2017
- We arrived: from 15 May to 11 September 2017
Where: Mother Museum, Via Luigi Settembrini, 79
Timetables: Monday to Saturday: 10.00 - 19.30 | Sunday: 10.00 - 20.00 | Closed on Tuesday
- Adults: € 7.00
- Reduced: € 3.50
- Reduced booked groups: € 4.00
- Free on Monday