Naples Shipping Week: in Naples the event on the maritime and port world

naples shipping week photos of the port of Naples

After the success of the Genoa edition, Shipping Week is also in Naples: the event dedicated to the maritime and port world.

From 23 to 28 June 2014 an entire week full of events and congresses all dedicated to the world of the maritime and port sector: the Naples Shipping Week. An important event that will contribute to the momentum of the sector with a series of initiatives all focused on local excellence.

Organized by the ClickUtility Team and the International Propeller Club Napoli, this first edition of the Neapolitan event wants to re-propose what has already happened in the Genoa initiative, focusing attention on the moment of meeting, an entirely Neapolitan dinner, and on the sixth edition of Port & ShippingTech, the international event dedicated to the development of the port-logistics sector.

Among the issues addressed: the models of urban waterfront management, with a heated comparison between the projects of the cities of Naples and Salerno and the international experiences on the subject, the promotion of the tourist sector of port cities, the reduction of environmental impact and technological innovation also aimed at it.

Also organized in collaboration with FONASBA, a seminar, of international extension, on the proposals that have been put forward by the European Commission regarding the port of the continent.

Particular attention on "The countries of North Africa”With a focus on this dedicated theme, which will make Naples an important city for the whole Mediterranean given the concomitant Forum of Cultures.

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